Econ 143 Midterm Project

In this project, we are going to use the energy dataset from Our World in Data and replicate the data visualization process. Furthermore, we are going to use data from the world bank and replicate the graph of emission trends. Last but not least, we are going to explain the underlying mechanism behind the data.

Data Source:
Our World in Data Energy dataset is updated regularly and includes data on energy consumption (primary energy, per capita, and growth rates), energy mix, electricity mix and other relevant metrics.
Before you start the work, you should learn the data structure and related information by looking through the codebook (owid-energy-codebook.csv).

Software such as Stata, R, python or MATLAB are welcome.

Project Instruction:
General rule:
To replicate a figure, you don’t need to include every detail but have to include legend, axis labels and titles.
I provide with you a, which is some hints for questions.

Question 1:
Among the key charts on the topic of Energy (, contributed by Hannah Ritchie), please find the graph Primary energy consumption by source, World, attached below.

a) Please describe what information you take from this graph, in 2 to 3 sentences (1 point).
b) Please download the energy data from and import the owid-energy-data.csv into the environment (memory) (1 point).
c) Please replicate this graph by Stata (or other programming software) (2 points).
d) Please replicate the graphs (trends of energy consumption by source) for United States, Europe, India and China (2 points).
e) By looking at the trends of coal, what is the consumption pattern for US and Europe, and what is the consumption pattern for India and China?
And what is the potential contributing factors to these two different patterns (2 to 3 sentences)? (2 points)

Question 2 :
a) Please explain what stagflation (2 to 3 sentences) is (1 point).
(link maybe helpful:
b) Graph the trends of primary energy consumption by source for United States and narrow the observation window between 1965 to 1985 (1 point).
c) From this graph, what happened to the oil consumption in 1978? What is the possible explanation? And what is the economic consequence? (3 to 4 sentences) (2 points)

Question 3:
Please find the bar chart primary energy consumption by source,2021(graph attached below)

a) by using variables (share of consumption) from the dataset, replicate this bar graph. (2 points)
b) please generate the variables of share by yourself and replicate this bar graph. (2 points)

Question 4
Please visit the world bank website and download the dataset of particulate emission damage. (
a) please import the csv file into environment (memory) and run the template code I give to you. Please describe what is the purpose of code in this part (1 point).
b) please replicate this graph below (2 points).
c) combining with the graphs in part d) of Q1, what is the possible explanation for the phenomenon shown in the graph? (1 point)

Project Submission:

The submitted project should include:
A pdf/word file with your name and answers (figures and short analysis)
A file of your codes (dofile for Stata) to generate the figures. Please make sure your program could run without bugs. (You must use programming software for this project)

Data Credit:
Data on Energy by Our World in Data
particulate emission damage (current US$) – United States, China, India

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