You must have 10 real research articles not reviews that are peer reviewed and within 7 years old.
Rubric and outline as follows: (please follow this out line precisely)
1. Abstract: 150 words
2. Introduction-
• Introduce the topic
• Identify the problem and target phenomenon
• Data to support the problem
• List the study purpose and hypotheses
• Describe significance of the study to nursing
3. Background/literature review:
4. • Identify conceptual framework of study
• Comparison of the issue over time might be helpful (most recent 7 years, OK to use articles up to a decade if they were seminal works) 10 Peer reviewed articles
• Summarize and critique relevant theoretical and empirical literature (Theorist, Orem’s self care deficit, focus on this, maybe two paragraphs or 3 at most)
• Summarize what is known and not known about the selected area of study
• Summarize findings and present rationale for the study
5. Approach/Methods: (8 points)
• Design: Identify the research design
• Setting: Describe the setting of the study
• Sample: Describe the sample (participants) and inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Identify sample size as determined by power analysis
• Define terms (conceptual/operational definitions)
• Instrumentation: Describe instruments including (reliability/validity; sensitivity/specificity; Physiological measures: Report precision and accuracy
• Procedure: Describe the procedures for data collection
• Procedure: Describe the procedures for implementing the study
• Data Analysis: Describe procedures for data analysis
• Protection of human subjects: Discuss the process of protection of human subjects (IRB (Institutional Review Board); HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability); Confidentiality
6. Results
• Include Table Shells that reflect the aims, objectives and analysis plan
7. Conclusions (1 point)
• Identify potential strengths/limitations of your study
8. Appendices (1 point)
• Include relevant materials in this area
Designing Effective Studies through Mixed Methodologies
Psychology. Psychology Record of Learning Length: 750 Words Quantitative research module Aims This module will enable students to critically appraise the variety of counting-based research methods that have been developed to make such enquiries. It will further enable students to design, conduct, and critique quantitative studies. Learning outcomes On successful completion of the module, students […]