2/22/22, 3:14 PMRubric Assessment – PSY101CC1 General Psychology I: SS3 (Carrie Garman) SP22 – CCCOnline

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Essay Rubric Course: PSY101CC1 General Psychology I: SS3 (Carrie Garman) SP22

Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Evidence


Critical Thinking

Application of Source



Grammar and Style

30 points

Demonstrates strong

knowledge of the materials

by correctly representing

knowledge from the readings

and sources. Gives full and

complete summary of the

conclusions from relevant

studies. Essay (not including

the title page, abstract, or

references) is at least 1,000


24 points

Some significant, but not

major errors or omissions in

demonstration of knowledge.

Gives mostly full and

complete information on the

conclusions from relevant

research studies. Word count

is below 1,000 words.

18 points

Major errors or omissions in

demonstration of knowledge.

Gives some information on

the conclusions from

relevant research studies.

Word count is below 700


12 points

Fails to demonstrate

knowledge of the materials.

Gives little or no information

from relevant research

studies. Word count is below

500 words.

0 points

Not submitted/Plagiarism


30 points

Provides strong original

thought, insight, and critical

thinking of concepts.

Analyzes and synthesizes

information effectively from

sources on the topic.

24 points

Provides adequate original

thought with some

significant, but not major

errors or omissions in

thought, insight, and critical

thinking. Mostly analyzes

and synthesizes information

effectively from sources on

the topic.

18 points

Major errors or omissions in

thought, insight, and critical

thinking. Analyzes and

synthesizes some

information effectively from

sources on the topic.

12 points

Fails to demonstrate

thought, insight, and critical

thinking. Does not

effectively analyze and

synthesize information from

sources on the topic.

0 points

Not submitted/Plagiarism


25 points

Sources are well or

adequately chosen to

provide substance and

perspectives on the issue.

Knowledge from the course

is linked properly to source

material. Uses two high-

quality, academic, scholarly

resources with accurate APA

formatted in-text citations

and references where


20 points

Some significant, but not

major problems with

selection and linkage of

sources. Uses two sources

from high quality, academic,

scholarly resources. In-text

citations and references are

provided but include minor

APA formatting mistakes.

15 points

Major problems with

selection and linkage of

sources. Uses one high-

quality, academic, scholarly

resource. In-text citations

and references are provided

but are not formatted using

APA and/or include

numerous formatting


10 points

Source selection is seriously

flawed with no linkage to

knowledge from the course.

Sources are not academic or

insufficient. Citations and

reference page are partial

and inaccurate.

0 points

Not submitted/Plagiarism


20 points

Review is clearly organized,

well written, and includes an

introductory paragraph with

a thesis statement, followed

by a main body with

supporting arguments

(organized using APA

formatted headings and

seriation), a summary

conclusion, and an APA

formatted reference page at

the end.

16 points

Small number of significant,

but not major flaws in

organization and writing. In a

major way, does not conform

to project requirements.

12 points

Major problems in

organization and writing. In a

significant way, does not

conform to project


8 points

Essay is not well organized

or well written, and is

difficult to follow. Does not

conform to project


0 points

Not submitted/Plagiarism


20 points

Strong sentence and

paragraph structure with few

or no minor errors in

16 points

Small number of significant,

but not major errors in

grammar and spelling;

12 points

Inconsistent to inadequate

sentence and paragraph

development; work needed

8 points

Poor quality; unacceptable in

terms of grammar and/or

spelling; inappropriate

0 points

Not submitted/Plagiarism


2/22/22, 3:14 PMRubric Assessment – PSY101CC1 General Psychology I: SS3 (Carrie Garman) SP22 – CCCOnline

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Overall Score

grammar and spelling.

Utilizes an appropriate

writing style that is clear and

concise with no unsupported

comments. Includes less than

two APA style guide

mistakes within the paper


generally appropriate

writing. Includes less than

four APA style guide

mistakes within the paper


on grammar and spelling;

does not meet program

expectations. Includes less

than six APA style guide

mistakes within the paper


writing style that interferes

with clarity. Includes seven

or more APA style guide

mistakes within the paper


Exemplary 125 points minimum

Proficient 100 points minimum

Developing 75 points minimum

Limited Evidence 50 points minimum

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