three to five content-p age p aper that describes a real-world problem from the chosen scenario with support from theory and r esearch.
Use one of the following scenarios and supporting resources Prepare: Choose Your Scenario activity as the basis for this a ssignment:
Scenario 1: Mars Mission.
Scenario 2: Office Decor.
Scenario 3: Youth Sports.
Scenario 4: Anti-marijuana Campaign.
Use in- text c itations in the p aper and create title and r eference p ages.

Use the following headings to organize your p aper:

Title page:

Follow the template instructions.

Apply a foundational psychological theory to address the problem in the selected scenario.
Summarize the identified problem in the selected scenario.
Foundational Theory:

Describe the theory or theories that apply to your scenario.
R esearch Method and Findings:

Apply findings from s cholarly r esearch to the problem in your scenario.
Describe the r esearch methods outlined in your scholarly r esearch a rticles.
Mental Health and Well-Being:

Speculate how the problem could impact mental health and well-being through behavior changes.

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