SNHU PSY 638 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
Topic :
The topic is hunger and children not having money for school meals. So plan is to provide free lunch to all students
The final project for this course is the creation of a grant proposal.
The assessment for this course will be the construction of a grant proposal that targets a current area of developmental, behavioral, or diagnostic need for children or adolescents in your community. The final project represents an authentic demonstration of competency, because it requires you to apply concepts from across the child and adolescent curriculum to compose an original grant proposal for a theoretically supported, age-specific, and effective intervention program. Terms commonly used in grant proposals include problem identification, prevalence, assessment of resources, impact of the problem, and implementation plan. The meaning of these grant terms is revealed in the critical elements listed in the prompt, in which you will be asked to devise a grant proposal that one would submit in the field of psychology. Grant proposals could be submitted for funding for research, training, institutional upgrades, nonprofit center grants, funding opportunities, grants for children’s programs, or grants for specific outreach programs such as engaging underrepresented cultures. The purpose of this task is to assess your understanding of concepts from across the child and adolescent curriculum.
Some real-world examples of grant proposal ideas have included:
School/Educational Setting
Orchard Middle School has over 50 at-risk students with a reading performance that directly affects their overall self-esteem and negative behavior issues. The school submitted a grant proposal to support development of a program to help all students with poor reading skills learn to read at grade level and increase their reading speed, comprehension, and reading attention span and overall sense of worth, esteem, and achievement. Studies have shown those who do better in school, fare better with stable mental health.
Outpatient Mental Health
The Open Arms Family Center requested a grant in the amount of $250,000 to contribute to the start-up funds for a family homeless shelter and mental health services. As an innovative, all-inclusive shelter program, the center aimed to provide for 10 families with children under the age of five who are experiencing homelessness. The center is committed to its mission of decreasing the overall number of homeless families in the Metro Boston area as well as working to break the cycle of homelessness.
Community Outreach
The purpose of Healthy Tomorrows is to stimulate innovative community-based programs that employ prevention strategies to promote access to health care for children and their families nationwide. HTPCP funding supports direct-service projects, not research projects. Healthy Tomorrows is designed to support family-centered initiatives that implement innovative approaches for focusing resources to promote community; define preventive child health and developmental objectives for vulnerable children and their families, especially those with limited access to quality health services; foster cooperation among community organizations, agencies, and families; involve pediatricians and other pediatric, child, and adolescent mental health professionals; build community and statewide partnerships among professionals in health, education, social services, government, and business to
achieve self-sustaining programs to ensure healthy children and families. Healthy Tomorrows requested a grant proposal for $10,000 to conduct a needs analysis for a meal delivery program to serve its less mobile community members.
The below resources provide more details and insight into the grant-writing process:
Successful Grant Writing: Strategies for Health and Human Service Professionals
Grant Writing 101 (The American Psychological Association’s resource page for grant writing)
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final submission will occur in Module Nine.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Assess contemporary theories of development for their strengths and weaknesses in addressing current developmental, behavioral, and diagnostic issues for children and adolescents
Critique the major criteria used to classify children and adolescents with specific disorders established by the American Psychiatric Association
Evaluate the influence of individual, familial, environmental, cultural, and political factors for their current impact on the diagnostic process for children and adolescents
Evaluate child and adolescent development resources and support services in terms of accessibility, organization, funding, and overall effectiveness
Assess the ethical implications of research and program development in the field of child and adolescent psychology
Analyze the effectiveness of theoretically-supported intervention strategies to address current developmental, behavioral, and diagnostic needs of children and adolescents
The grant proposal will contain the critical elements listed below.
Problem Identification: Research and identify resources for a specific developmental, behavioral, or diagnostic need for children or adolescents in your community (3–4 pages):
Prevalence: Determine a necessary program or service by examining current needs for children or adolescents in your community, using the standards established by the American Psychiatric Association.
What is the issue you have chosen to address? Who is affected? What data do you have that points to the prevalence of this issue?
What is the necessary service or program? How will it address the needs you have examined?
Assessment of Resources: Evaluate available and needed resources in your community.
Evaluate the resources available for providing a program or service such as the one you have identified.
Determine necessary resources that are not available and explain their importance in providing the identified program or service.
Impact of Problem: Describe the impact of the problem on individuals, families, and the community. Construct an impact statement based on
the prevalence of the identified issue and the lack of community resources.
Articulate how the lack of the identified program or service has an impact on the community.
How is the lack of available resources exacerbating the issue?
Literature Review: Conduct a review of available literature around developmental theory in regard to your identified issue (3–4 pages):
Problem/Need: Using American Psychiatric Association criteria and current professional research publications, how is the identified developmental, behavioral, or diagnostic problem identified/diagnosed in children and adolescents?
Theory Survey and Comparison: Survey current developmental theories.
Identify the factors that contribute to the prevalence of the problem according to these theories.
How do these different theories compare? What are their contrasting opinions in regard to prevalence and diagnosis of your identified problem?
Intervention Strategy: Research and justify the selection of a theoretically supported and effective intervention strategy for addressing the target issue (2–3 pages):
Efficacy: Analyze and critique at least two established intervention strategies for inconsistencies and effectiveness.
Critically examine intervention strategies for consistency with current developmental theories.
How effective were these strategies in addressing their respective issues? To what extent would these intervention strategies address the issue identified in your community?
Selection: Select an intervention strategy and justify your selection based on its effectiveness and the individual, familial,
environmental, cultural, and political factors. Your strategy should be appropriate for your age-specific population.
Ethics: Analyze the selected intervention strategy for possible ethical and legal challenges. Consider provider as well as client concerns.
Implementation Plan: Construct a plan for implementation of the selected intervention strategy in your community (4–5 pages):
Narrative: Compose a narrative to describe the setting, personnel, target population, length of time for service, and capacity of the proposed program.
Training: Formulate a strategy for the training of personnel according to the selected intervention strategy.
Assessment: Recommend an assessment plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention strategy.
Ethics: Assess the ethical and legal implications for implementing the intervention strategy in your community.
Closing Statement: Summarize your grant proposal/recommendation with careful attention to the audience you must convince.
Milestone One: Problem Identification Draft
In Module Three, you will create a draft of the Problem Identification section of your final grant proposal. In this assignment, you will think about the professional environment you will be seeking upon graduation and a potential problem within that professional environment that could be solved through your recommended program, research, or initiative. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Literature Review Draft
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of the Literature Review section of your final grant proposal. Your draft will contain a narrative in which you will use professional journals, texts, and resources to provide a comprehensive examination of the identified problem from the perspective of current developmental theories. Providing examples relevant or similar to your organizational environment is imperative for those reviewing the grant to truly gain an experiential perspective of the grant. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Intervention Strategy and Implementation Plan Draft
In Module Seven, you will submit a draft of the Intervention Strategy and Implementation Plan section for your grant proposal. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Grant Proposal
In Module Nine, you will submit your final grant proposal. The final submission will include responses to all critical elements listed above. The final submission of the grant proposal should assemble the milestones into a single document. It is expected that each milestone area will be revised in response to the feedback provided during the milestone submissions across the course. Grant agencies will return strong grant applications with suggested or required changes prior to approval, so this practice mimics the actual process. Submit these sections in one complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. The final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
1 Problem Identification Draft Three Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
2 Literature Review Draft Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
3 Intervention Strategy and Implementation Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Plan Draft
Final Submission: Grant Proposal Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Product Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your grant proposal must be 12–16 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least five references cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Problem Submission provides Submission provides published Submission provides limited data Submission lacks credible 5
Identification: comprehensive research evidence data that evidences the identified to support that the identified research data to support that the
Prevalence of the existence and prevalence problem is a prevalent problem is a prevalent identified problem is a prevalent
of the identified problem/need problem/need for the community problem/need for the community problem/need for the community
for the community and provides
real-world examples to support
Problem Submission contains an extensive Submission provides evidence in Submission provides evidence in Submission provides limited 10
Identification: and comprehensive list of the form of links, citations, and a the form of links, citations, and a evidence in the form of links,
Assessment of community resources that may be description of local resources for description of local resources, yet citations, and a description of
Resources related to the services necessary their limited capacity to address it may lack in the examination of local resources without
for addressing the identified the identified problem the capacity of the resources to addressing the capacity of the
problem/need, as well as a address the identified problem resources to address the
detailed description of the limited identified problem
capacity to address the identified
problem and real-world examples
to support claims
Problem Submission provides research- Submission provides research- Submission provides research Submission discusses the general 5
Identification: supported evidence in a highly supported evidence of how the evidence of the general impact of impact of the problem without
Impact of detailed and professional manner identified problem will have an the problem without considering considering the specific
Problem that demonstrates the impact on individuals, families, the specific community community or without providing
comprehensive impact that the and the community if the research evidence to support the
identified problem has been problem is not addressed impact of the identified problem
proven to have on individuals, proactively
families, and the community and
grounds claims in actual examples
and relevant theory
Literature Submission provides a Submission contains substantial Submission contains limited Submission does not contain 10
Review: comprehensive examination of evidence that the identified evidence that the identified evidence that the identified
Problem/Need the identified problem through problem/need has been explored problem/need has been explored problem/need has been explored
the use of current professional through the use of current through the use of current through the use of current
research publications and draws professional research publications professional research publications professional research
unique connections and insights publications; research may be
from the literature substantially out of date, from
non-credible sources, or absent
from the submission
Literature Submission provides a Submission provides a review of Submission provides a review of Submission lacks a review of the 15
Review: Theory comprehensive review of the the literature that demonstrates the literature that demonstrates literature for demonstrating
Survey and literature that demonstrates professional consideration of consideration of current consideration of current
Comparison professional consideration of current developmental theories developmental theories for their developmental theories for their
current developmental theories for their approach to the approach to the identified approach to the identified
for their approach to the identified problem; this should problem; the examination of the problem, and the examination of
identified problem; this should include an examination of the competing or conflicting the competing or conflicting
include an examination of the competing or conflicting theoretical approaches to the theoretical approaches to the
competing or conflicting theoretical approaches to the identified problem/need may be identified problem/need may be
theoretical approaches to the identified problem/need lacking in detail or absent from lacking in detail or absent from
identified problem/need and an this submission this submission
illustration from a real-world
example to support approach
Intervention Submission evidences a Submission evidences an Submission evidences a basic Submission evidences a selective 10
Strategy: Efficacy comprehensive review of the extensive review of the current review of the current literature to or minimal review of the current
current literature to demonstrate literature to demonstrate demonstrate consideration of literature to demonstrate
professional consideration of consideration of evidence-based evidence-based intervention consideration of evidence-based
evidence-based intervention intervention strategies for the strategies for the identified intervention strategies for the
strategies for the identified identified problem/need problem/need; submission may identified problem/need, and the
problem/need (considers a (considers a minimum of two consider only a single submission considers only a single
minimum of two intervention intervention strategies at a highly intervention strategy intervention strategy
strategies at a highly detailed detailed level)
level) and uses real-world
examples to illustrate claims
Intervention Submission evidences a clear Submission evidences a clear Submission evidences a clear Submission evidences a selection 10
Strategy: selection of an intervention selection of an intervention selection of an intervention of an intervention strategy that
Selection strategy that has strong support strategy based on theoretical and strategy that may lack a clear lacks a clear basis in theoretical
from the theoretical and research research support considering the basis in theoretical and research and research support, and it fails
support as it relates to the age- age-specific population and support or it may not clearly to clearly consider the age-
specific population and community consider the age-specific specific population and
community through the use of population and community community
specific, relevant details and real-
world examples
Intervention Submission provides a Submission provides an extensive Submission provides a review of Submission provides a selective 5
Strategy: Ethics comprehensive review of the review of the ethical and legal the ethical and legal implications or minimal review of the ethical
ethical and legal implications for implications for using the selected for using the selected and legal implications for using
using the selected intervention intervention strategy that intervention strategy that may the selected intervention
strategy that considers provider considers provider as well as only consider either provider or strategy, and it only considers
as well as client concerns at a high client concerns client concerns either provider or client concerns
level and provides real-world
examples to support claims
Implementation Submission presents a highly Submission presents a detailed Submission presents a narrative Submission presents a narrative 5
Plan: Narrative detailed narrative to describe the narrative to sufficiently describe that may lack detail to sufficiently that lacks detail to sufficiently
setting, personnel, target the setting, personnel, target describe one or more of the describe two or more of the
population, length of time for population, length of time for following key components: the following key components: the
service, and capacity of the service, and capacity of the setting, personnel, target setting, personnel, target
proposed program in a well- proposed program population, length of time for population, length of time for
organized and implementation- service, and capacity of the service, and capacity of the
ready level, incorporating real- proposed program proposed program
world examples as support
Implementation Submission presents a highly Submission presents a detailed Submission presents a plan that Submission lacks a plan that 5
Plan: Training organized and detailed plan that plan that accounts for the training accounts for key training needs of accounts for the training needs of
accounts for the comprehensive needs of the essential personnel the essential personnel who will the essential personnel who will
training needs of the essential who will supply the services supply the services outlined in the supply the services outlined in
personnel who will supply the outlined in the intervention intervention strategy; this plan the intervention strategy, or the
services outlined in the strategy may lack the level of detail plan as presented is minimal for
intervention strategy and necessary to demonstrate full meeting training needs for the
incorporates real-world examples consideration of training needs selected intervention
as support
Implementation Submission provides a highly Submission provides a detailed Submission provides a general Submission provides a concept 5
Plan: Assessment detailed plan for assessing the plan for assessing the concept for assessing the too general for assessing the
effectiveness of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the
program/intervention strategy program/intervention strategy program/intervention strategy, program/intervention strategy
and draws upon relevant (an essential component of grant yet it may lack clear direction or
examples to illustrate (an submission that allows for statistical concepts to meet the
essential component of grant programs to be considered goal of the data collection
submission that allows for “evidence based”)
programs to be considered
“evidence based”)
Implementation Submission evidences a Submission evidences a strong Submission evidences an Submission provides minimal 5
Plan: Ethics comprehensive assessment of the assessment of the ethical and assessment of the ethical and consideration of the ethical and
ethical and legal considerations legal considerations for legal considerations for legal implications; this submission
for implementing the intervention implementing the intervention implementing the intervention lacks attention to two or more
strategy that is grounded in real- strategy strategy; this may lack attention essential elements necessary for
world examples to one or more elements a sound ethical approach
necessary for a sound ethical
Closing Submission evidences a closing Submission evidences a closing Submission evidences a closing Submission does not evidence a 5
Statement statement which comprises the statement which comprises the statement, but fails to comprise closing statement
main points of the grant in a main points of the grant all of the main points of the grant
logical fashion
Articulation of Submission is free of errors Submission has no major errors Submission has major errors Submission has critical errors 5
Response related to APA, citations, related to APA, citations, related to APA, citations, related to APA, citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, and grammar, spelling, syntax, or grammar, spelling, syntax, or grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization and is presented in a organization organization that negatively organization that prevent
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric for PSY 638 at SNHU
The theme is hunger and youngsters who do not have enough money to pay for school lunches. So plan is to provide free lunch to all students
The creation of a grant proposal is the course’s final project.
The assessment for this course will be the construction of a grant proposal that targets a current area of developmental, behavioral, or diagnostic need for children or adolescents in your community. The final project represents an authentic demonstration of competency, because it requires you to apply concepts from across the child and adolescent curriculum to compose an original grant proposal for a theoretically supported, age-specific, and effective intervention program. Terms commonly used in grant proposals include problem identification, prevalence, assessment
professional and easy-to-read impact readability and understanding of ideas
format articulation of main ideas