Presentations – How to Do Good Analysis

A. Good Analysis – How To Give it

· don’t just read off the values from the slide · tell the STORY behind the numbers – link numbers to specific products and decisions

B. Interpreting Cash Flow Slides


Causes (usually a combination of the following)

Cash from Operating Activities

Positive Values

·High Sales of products — mention specific products

– Lower costs for materials & labor (variable costs)

– Lower costs for Period costs

– which generate higher profits and therefore cash from operating activities.

– selling off excess inventory produced in a previous round

Negative Values

·Excessive expenses (materials, labor, period costs)

· Excessive amounts of product left on hand – over optimistic sales forecasting or production creating inventory carrying charges

· Low sales due to competition or bad positioning of products

· Over-investment in TQM or investment in a new Product (R&D)

· excessive interest payments

Cash from Investing Activities

Positive Values ·Selling off capacity generates positive cash from investing

Negative Values

– buying capacity, automation investment

– NOT TQM or R&D (!)

– not a bad thing to have negative cash from investing; negative and positive values are simply descriptive of what happened

Cash from Financing Activities

Positive Values · issuing stock, taking loans, taking long-term debt, taking an emergency loan

Negative Values · buying back stock, paying back loans, issuing dividends

(don’t pay more than EPS in a dividend or it will hurt your stock price)

Ending Cash Balance

· don’t have to say too much about this – other than if you are in a strong, medium or weak cash position.


How to Do a Good Analysis in a Presentation

A. How to Give a Good Analysis

Don’t just read the numbers off the slide; explain the STORY behind the numbers by connecting them to specific items and decisions.

B. Cash Flow Slides Interpretation


Reasons for this (usually a combination of the following)

Cash generated from operations

Positive Attributes

·High Sales of products — mention specific products

– Lower costs for materials & labor (variable costs)

– Lower costs for Period costs

– which generate higher profits and therefore cash from operating activities.

– selling off excess inventory produced in a previous round

Negative Values

·Excessive expenses (materials, labor, period costs)

· Excessive amounts of product left on hand – over optimistic sales forecasting or production creating inventory carrying charges

· Low sales due to competition or bad positioning

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