Case 4.2: HIV and a Researcher’s Duty to Warn (p. 185)
What moral principles seem to be in conflict in this scenario?
How would you resolve the conflict?
Suppose John’s only options are either to maintain confidentiality or violate it by revealing the subject’s HIV status to her boyfriend (the subject refuses to notify him voluntarily).
What should John do, and on what grounds could either action be justified?
Suppose that state law prohibits researchers from revealing a subject’s HIV status.
Would this fact change you judgment?
Should any such legal fact change your judgment?
Designing Effective Studies through Mixed Methodologies
Psychology. Psychology Record of Learning Length: 750 Words Quantitative research module Aims This module will enable students to critically appraise the variety of counting-based research methods that have been developed to make such enquiries. It will further enable students to design, conduct, and critique quantitative studies. Learning outcomes On successful completion of the module, students […]