HSMG 373 UB Approaches for Age Related Macular Degeneration Narrative Essay
HSMG 373 UB Approaches for Age Related Macular Degeneration Narrative Essay

Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Please prepare written legislative testimony advocating for policy changes for treatment-specific payment approaches for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The information for this is in case 8 (attached and in your book).
In preparing testimony please take on one of the following roles:

a provider (e.g. a retinal specialist)
a representative of a payer organization (e.g., a Medicare)
a patient with AMD (note- you have to be an older patient at least sixty for this condition) or
a representative for Genetech or pharmaceutical interests.
You should decide on a position with regard to the development of policy changes for treatment approaches for AMD based on the role you are playing. You should write testimony that would correspondingly persuade a committee drawing on the perspective of your role.


*Include an introduction – Introduce yourself and your perspective (please see the rubric below for details.) Please acknowledge and thank the committee for the opportunity to provide written legislative testimony. [Note: Do you need the name of the chairperson for the US Senate HELP Committee? You can find it on the website: https://www.help.senate.gov/)]****

* Discuss the purpose/context including current trends and identify the purpose of any new legislation (please see rubric below for details.)

* Provide reasons why the legislation will help (or not help). Use factual information and link that information to the values of the committee. Your tone starts out analytical but shifts to show compassion, sorrow, indignation, or determination (please see rubric below for details.)

* Make a recommendation. Your closing should move the committee members to undertake some action (please see rubric below for details.)

* Please write professionally, cite your references and provide your testimony on time (please see rubric below for details.)

Suggested length: 2-3 pages (If spoken, it would have to be under 5 minutes).

** Reference:

McLaughlin, C. & McLaughlin, C. (2019) Case 8: Comparative Effectiveness: Avastin Versus

Lucentis, In Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach (3rd ed., pp. 94-97). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.


While waiting for the FDA to approve Lucentis, patients often received Avastin for about $50 per injection (McLaughlin, C. & McLaughlin, C., 2019).

**** There are several possible committees that would all work:

In the House, the following three committees would be good options: 1) Education and Labor Committee and 2) the Energy and Commerce Committee and 3) Ways and Means Committee.

In the Senate, these two are good options: 1) Senate Finance Committee and 2) Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP Committee). There is also a Special Committee on Aging in the Senate that sometimes students find and use and is also just fine.

Here is a quick example of testimony but on a similar but different issue. Drug prices: https://www.aarp.org/content/dam/aarp/politics/advocacy/2019/10/testimony-for-dr-c-alicia-georges-before-the-ways-and-means-committee-final.pdf

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