3.5 -4 pages in APA format; 12pt Times New Roman font.
Topic: Anything regarding Logistics Analytics
This assignment involves writing two or three sentences on the topic for your paper.
Once you have chosen a topic, you must then find at least fifteen references that you plan to use in your paper. At least five (5) of those fifteen (15) references must come from refereed academic journal articles.
To learn how to find refereed academic journals articles, please go to the YouTube video below. Keep in mind three things to help you with the refereed journal articles: 1) if the article has no references at the end, it isn’t a refereed academic journal article; 2) if it is a textbook, it is not a refereed journal article; and 3) if it ends in ‘link’ like Marketlink, then it is not a refereed academic journal article.
Total number of references in correct form: 15
Out of those 15 references, refereed academic journal articles: 5/15–minimum. You can use more than five academic articles and more than 15 references.
The topic must be some aspect of logistics analytics. That’s not a very limiting requirement. Be sure to follow the example.
Topic choice: should be on logistics analytics, broad enough to need 15 or more references, but narrow enough to cover in 3.5-4 pages.
Academical Journal References (at least 5 of the 15 must be)
Has at least 5 references from academic journals in APA format or some other format that allows the reader to identify the source.
Date: Time:
Age: Gender:
The patient’s “in quotations” reason for seeking medical attention
Describe the patient’s sickness, including when it began, the nature of the symptoms, and the location.
where the symptoms first appeared, aggravating or relieving causes; relevant positives and negatives; other
linked diseases, previous illnesses, operations, or previous diagnostic testing relevant to the current ailment
Medicines: (list with reason for med )
Medication Intolerances:
Chronic Illnesses/Serious Traumas
“Have you every been told that you have: Diabetes, HTN, peptic ulcer disease, asthma, lung disease, heart
disease, cancer, TB, thyroid problems or kidney disease or psychiatric diagnosis.”
Family History
Does your mother, father or siblings have any medical or psychiatric illnesses? Anyone diagnosed with:
lung disease, heart disease,