Assignment 5: Human Resources
Assignment 5: Human Resources Management
How will changes in the labor force affect HRM practices in the
next decade? Refer to the section on page 360, “What Does the
Future Hold?” Write a 500-word discussion of the future
challenges you see managers and public administrators will face
in the changing environment of government agencies.
Reading for this assignment comes from:
Bateman, T., and Snell, S. (2015). Management: Leading and
Collaborating in a Competitive World,11th Ed. New York, New York:
McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780077862541
Human Resource Management (Assignment 5)
Human Resource Management (Assignment 5)
How will changes in the labor force impact HRM practices in the workplace?
next ten years? See the section on page 360 titled “What Does the
What Does the Future Hold?” Write a 500-word essay about the future.
What challenges do you anticipate managers and public administrators will face?
in a government agency’s changing environment
This assignment’s reading comes from:
T. Bateman and S. Snell (2015). Management entails both leading and being led.
Collaborating in a Competitive World,11th Ed. New York, New York:
ISBN: 9780077862541 (McGraw-Hill).