Learning Outcomes Addressed

A. Show a systematic understanding of relevant methodologies for conducting empirical studies in computer

B. Have a well-developed understanding of the value and appropriateness of different statistical techniques for the analysis of empirical data and interpret research findings based on a variety of statistical

C. Use software tools to conduct and report a variety of statistical

D. Have a critical understanding of issues related to research conducted with human participants (sampling, recruitment, ethics

Submission Format

– A written report, no more than 10 pages (including the reference

o Font: 12 pt Times New

o Spacing: Double

o Margins: Normal (1 inch margin on all

o Reference style:

– Supplementary

– LMO submissions should be made by 9 a.m. 5 December

– Naming:

o StudentID_StudentName_Report.pdf

o StudentID_StudentName_SupplementaryMaterials.zip

Report Specification

Part A: Research Proposal and Experimental Design

As a student you want to do your Final Master Project (FMP) in a related field. You have planned early in the first semester of your study,

Considering a detailed and well-justified experimental design in your written report. You will need

1. Propose a meaningful research

2. Clearly state the research question(s), aims and

3. Identify the independent and dependent

4. Provide a list of hypotheses drawn from related

5. Describe the systems / applications / technologies that may be

6. Prepare sample scripts of surveys or interviews that you may

7. Select an appropriate sampling

8. Define a sufficient sample size; 9.

Please ensure that all sources are cited properly and a complete reference list is provided.

Part B: Statistical Analysis


1. Descriptive

2. Testing differences (parametric & non-parametric

3. Correlation and regression; 4.

A good example data source is IFSC competitions and athletes data: https://www.ifsc- climbing.org/index.php/world-competition & https://www.ifsc-climbing.org/index.php/athletes

More datasets can be found in kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets

1. Provide a comprehensive description of the

2. Provide visual presentations of the statistical analysis

3. Report the statistical findings in a professional

4. Provide a reasonable discussion of implications and limitations in your

5. Be clear about the story you are telling and the key

Report Marking Criteria

Marking criteria



Development of proposal

1. Have you developed a valid, interesting research question?

2. Is the methodology proposed consistent with and appropriate to the research


Experimental design

1. Is the rationale for the work clear and are the research questions clearly

2. Are the aims and objectives clearly stated and valid – can they been

3. Are the proposed hypotheses based on comprehensive review of related

4. Have appropriate research methods been

5. Are sample scripts of surveys or interviews

6. Are the proposed sampling method and size appropriate?


Statistical analysis

1. Are the identified datasets appropriate and well- organised?

2. Are the descriptive statistics

3. Does the statistical analysis cover a wide range of data types?

4. Are the selected statistical tests

5. Are the visual presentations appropriate and

6. Are the statistical findings presented in a professional way?

7. Have meaningful conclusions been

8. Have you discussed the implications and


Clarity of structure and content

1. Is the report clear, comprehensible and well-written? Has due care been taken with spelling and

2. Are



1. Are all sources cited properly in accordance with the APA

2. Have you followed the instructions and carefully reviewed your work before submitting


University Policy on Late Submissions

If you submit coursework after the deadline, you will be penalized:

· 5% of the total marks available for the assessment will be deducted from the assessment mark for each working day after the submission deadline, up to a maximum of

· Coursework more after zero.

University Policy on Academic Integrity

The University aims to foster a learning environment which produces students who embrace academic

The University will support you to understand the standards of academic integrity, while you are responsible for learning and upholding professional standards of research, writing, assessment, and ethics in your area of study. Violation of academic integrity comes in many forms, including but not limited to the following:

· improper citation or

· unauthorised collaboration with another person in the preparation and production of a submitted

· copying directly from other persons without their knowledge as your own

· submitting all or part of the same academic work for two or more modules without permission;

· consciously representing another’s work or concept as your own without proper acknowledgment and citation of the

· altering data obtained by legitimate means or making up a portion or whole set of

· requesting another party to prepare all or part of an assignment (with or without payment) on your


· a written warning;

· a mark penalty or a zero mark for the

· a zero mark for the

· a note on student’s

· suspension of

· termination of

In addition to the respective penalty imposed, you may also be given feedback on how to avoid further offence in future work.

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