Immigration and social offenses

The level of immigration has increased in the United States. California, Florida, New York and Illinois states have the highest number of immigrants. Most of them are from Asia, Africa, Europe, Central, and South America. Mexico also produced a large number of immigrants this year. Currently, the United States has 328.6 million people, 13% of them are immigrants.

The increase in immigrants raises fears of an increase in social offenses. Some people view immigrants as potential criminals who can perpetrate illegal acts such as rape, robbery with violence, carjacking among others. Immigrants are afraid of reporting crimes to the police for fear of victimization. Refugees face a high level of victimization. They are threatened and abused by their traffickers. Most immigrants go to the United States in search of jobs, education and also due to lack of safety in their motherland.

There are 11.7 million immigrants in the United States, they account for 13.6% of offenders in the United States. Among the imprisoned immigrants. 12% of them were charged with murder, 20% kidnapping, and 16% drug trafficking. Undocumented immigrants are less engaged in crime as most of them come to earn a living and they evade deportation. Reports indicate that women who are immigrants give birth more compared to the natives. Immigrants in areas with more social facilities are less likely to engage in crime as compared to those in areas with fewer social amenities.

Theorists point out several reasons why an increase in immigration rates is likely to increase criminal activities in a region. They argue that places with high mobility of immigrants are not likely to have shared values and this can cause an increase in criminal activities. Immigrants come with different values. They also face several social-cultural and economic challenges. Although the argument about different values is true, the behaviors of immigrants vary. While some of them engage in criminal activities others don’t.

They also argue that when people are not able to achieve social goals legitimately. They engage in illegal activities such as crimes. Theorists believe that when people face new adverse conditions, they develop criminal behavior which eventually becomes a norm.

Immigration and social offenses are interlinked. An increase in immigration in a region is likely to increase criminal activities. In the United States, for instance, an increase in immigration has led to increased criminal activities. Several theorists have illustrated the relationship between immigration and social offenses. They argue that diversity in the values of immigrants increases social offenses.


Polczynski Olson, Christa, et al. “Immigration and violent crime: Citizenship status and social disorganization.” Homicide Studies 13.3 (2009): 227-241.

Claghorn, Kate Holladay. “Crime and Immigration.” J. Am. Inst. Crim. L. & Criminology 8 (1917): 675.

Warner, Judith Ann. “The social construction of the criminal alien in immigration law, enforcement practice and statistical enumeration: Consequences for immigrant stereotyping.” Journal of Social and Ecological Boundaries 1.2 (2005): 56-80.




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