The issues of geriatric care facilities

Geriatric care facilities are equipment used to care for the elderly. They are departments in a hospital that specifically deal with the provision of geriatric care. Various health professionals work in geriatric care facilities, for example, nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, and dentists who have specified in medical care for the elderly. Only the elderly are admitted to these facilities either for treatment or rehabilitation. An example of a geriatric care facility is a nursing home.

With the increasing number of the elderly in the USA. There is an increase in the number of people admitted to these facilities either due to disabilities, acute or chronic illnesses. As one grows older, the immune system becomes weaker. This leads to the attack by diseases and illnesses. Most old people suffer from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure. Some of these chronic diseases lead to disabilities while others can be controlled using medication.

In cases where the patient is not able to take care of themselves. They can be admitted to the geriatric facility where they will receive adequate care. Also, patients are admitted to these facilities to keep them under observation as they continue to take medication. Patients with mental illnesses such as dementia. Benefit a lot from staying in geriatric care facilities as they have a psychiatrist close to them.

Geriatric care facilities are faced with a shortage of nurses who have specialized in the provision of health care for the elderly. Research shows that the number of elderly people has increased and by 2030 the number is likely to get to four million in the US. More nurses are also likely to retire and the number of nurses graduating and joining the workforce will not fix the gap. This means that there will be a continuous shortage of nurses. The government should overcome this challenge by training more nurses on matters of geriatric care.

There is also a culture of lack of emotional support in these facilities. With the massive workloads for the nurses. They do not focus more on offering emotional support. They only give treatment. Old people require emotional support. Failure to offer this kind of support makes them feel isolated. It adds to the pain and stigma associated with nursing homes as people relate them with the weak and the disabled. Geriatric care facilities are an essential part of the health care system and the government should figure out ways to improve them to ensure elderly people receive quality health care.


Bradley, Suzanne F. “Issues in the management of resistant bacteria in long-term–care facilities.” Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 20.5 (1999): 362-366.

Chalmers, J. M., and R. L. Ettinger. “Public health issues in geriatric dentistry in the United States.” Dental Clinics of North America 52.2 (2008): 423-446.

Garibaldi, R. A. “Residential care and the elderly: the burden of infection.” Journal of Hospital infection 43 (1999): S9-S18.

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