Evidence-based Project Planning in Primary Care

We are living in an era when empirical evidence is being used to come up with projects that are meant to enhance service delivery. Evidence-based project planning in primary care is all about designing a project that is meant to improve primary care while taking special consideration of its: feasibility, appropriateness, effectiveness, meaningfulness as well as efficiency. One is able to consider the above mentioned parameters only by utilizing the available empirical evidence. In other words, projects that are designed to enable patients to access primary care should be based on the available evidence.  Most importantly, this concept implies that health professionals should make decisions based on the best accessible evidence and not their attitudes, beliefs, values and biasness. For there to be Evidence-based project planning in primary care there are a number of key steps that you ought to take.

The first step is to systematically review the literature. Once you agree on the goal of a certain project and the need to have it you should proceed to gather empirical evidence. In most cases this evidence comes in the form of literature. Your main goal at this point is to analyze such literature in order to know the extent to which it is helpful in helping you in coming up with an Evidence-based project focusing on primary care. This means that you not only need to analyze such evidence but you are also required to determine if it is useful or not.

Secondly, you are supposed to summarize the collected evidence. It can be quite tedious to work on voluminous information when planning an evidence- based project in the field of primary care. It is also good to adopt a systematic approach when condensing such gathered evidence. Once you are done with that, you are supposed to identify the different alternatives that can be used to meet your project’s goal. This is normally one of the most tedious activities. The goal of doing so is to make sure that you have different projects that you can use to make the crucial judgment of the one that is most likely to meet the intended objectives. It has been observed that such projects that are based on evidence utilize resources better when enhancing access to or delivery of primary care. Similarly, such projects have a better chance of success than the ones that are made without consulting the available evidence. However the process of evidence-based project planning in primary care is usually quite lengthy and time-consuming.

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