Transitional Leadership Style

Transitional leadership involves an executive who is appointed for the purposes of leading an institution through a transformation such as opening a new division, integration of new systems or restructuring (Pratt, Smollan and Pio 24). Transitional leadership style requires a leader to have specific qualities to guide an organization in the desired direction of transformation. It involves identifying the problems, empowering people, inspiring them, sharing the vision, and leading the desired change. A transitional leader must work with other people who will support the transformation (Norbash 736). It is thus crucial to share the problems and the set objectives with them to ensure they understand them clearly. Transitional leadership style is necessary to organizations since it helps them to transform for the purposes of enhancing competitiveness and profitability.

The leadership style involves identifying a specific problem or need an organization is facing. The need may be identified by the management before a transition leader is hired. The leader also needs a clear understanding of what should be changed organization (Validova and Erna 86). The next aspect is identifying the crucial stakeholders who should be involved and empowering them. The process of empowering them involved sharing the vision with them. The leader is required to make it clear to ensure that there is no confusion about the transformation that is required. In the process of empowering the leader is required to identify the various skill sets that different employees have (Norbash 737). If the employees require new skills it is crucial to ensure they are trained for the purposes of attaining the set goal.

Transitional leadership style requires a specialist who understands the scope of management, marketing, economics, sales, and competition. The specialist is required to execute a plan within a period of time to realize the desired new shape of the organization (Validova and Erna 83). The position is different from interim management who takes office as they wait for the board to install an official management team. The role of a transitional leader is to help an organization to attain the desired change.

Transitional leadership style involves identifying problems, sharing the vision, empowering stakeholders and leading the change. The leader should show an example of what is required by modeling the end goal. Transitional leadership style requires collaboration with various stakeholders who will be involved in facilitating the change (Pratt, Smollan and Pio 27). The effectiveness of transitional leadership style is to lead an organization through transformation to the desired end goal.

Works Cited

Norbash, Alexander. “Transitional leadership: leadership during times of transition, key principles, and considerations for success.” Academic Radiology 24.6 (2017): 734-739.

Pratt, Tim J., Roy K. Smollan, and Edwina Pio. “Transitional leadership to resolve conflict, facilitate change and restore wellbeing.” International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2019): 23-35.

Validova, Asiya F., and Erna Pulaj. “Leadership styles in transitional economies.” Academy of Strategic Management Journal 15 (2016): 77-91.

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