Mobile computing and its business implications

Mobile computing entails the transfer of audio, video or data using wireless devices such as phones and tablets. These devices are used by businesses and customers. They are used for different purposes such as advertisements, shopping, and payments. Due to challenges such as limited data storage capacity, power constraints, and security issues, mobile computing has not yet been fully embraced by businesses.

Cloud computing encompasses the storage of data on remote servers rather than personal computers or mobile devices; data is stored on the internet. Mobile cloud computing has played a vital role in creating new opportunities and making businesses more effective. With mobile cloud computing, businesses can venture effectively into mobile E-commerce. Mobile E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services on mobile phones.

Mobile E-commerce involves business to customers or customers to the business. It enables businesses to transact with customers. Mobile E-commerce also entails showcasing items and online installation. It is faced by challenges such as large data and security issues.  Mobile computing plays a vital role in recruiting staff, coordinating the business and the suppliers and online training.

Integrating cloud services into mobile computing helps solve issues such as limited data storage capacity as the users can get access to large markets on their mobile phones at low costs. It is cost-effective to use and maintain the applications. Apart from that, mobile cloud computing is fast. It uses 3g/4g. Users can also access more features on their mobile devices.

Mobile cloud computing is faced with several challenges. The users are vulnerable to attacks such as viruses and cybercrimes. Also, the cloud service provider has full control and authority over the platform. If an organization has large data, the bandwidth cost is high. It is impossible to access mobile cloud computing services without connection to a network. The network is sometimes affected by conditions such as changes in the weather.

Mobile E-commerce together with cloud services enables payment for goods and services using mobile cloud-based payment which is secure. Also, it allows tracking of shipment using sensors and satellites coordinated and controlled by the cloud. Cloud services in mobile E-commerce increase brand exposure through advertisements using notifications and messages. They also enable auctioning using wireless devices irrespective of the person’s location. Mobile cloud computing has played a vital role in businesses. It has not only improved mobile E-commerce but it has also enlarged markets and allowed users to get access to a high number of features on their mobile devices.


Prasad, M.R., Gyani, J. and Murti, P.R.K., 2012. Mobile cloud computing: Implications and challenges. Journal of Information Engineering and Applications2(7), pp.7-15.

Tsalgatidou, A. and Pitoura, E., 2001. Business models and transactions in mobile electronic commerce: requirements and properties. Computer Networks37(2), pp.221-236.

Ladd, D.A., Datta, A., Sarker, S, and Yu, Y., 2010. Trends in mobile computing within the IS discipline: A ten-year retrospective. Communication of Association of Information Systems (CAIS)27, pp.285-316.

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