The word music is a derivation from a Greek word Populous (pronounce as MouseKey), which means the art of the Muses. The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context Music ranges from strictly organized compositions (and their recreation in performance), through improvisational music to alternator forms. Music can be divided into genres and submerges, although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, sometimes pen to individual interpretation, and occasionally controversial.Within “the arts,” music may be classified as a performing art, a fine art, and auditory art. There is also a strong connection between music and mathematics. Common genres of music includes country, jazz, blues, electronic, Latin, pop, ask, rock, world and hip-hop and rap.

According to Wisped. Org, in the prehistoric eras, ‘music can only be imagined by scholars’. These imaginations are based on the findings of any tools similar to musical instrument exist to the day.

For example, bones in which lateral holes have been pierced are usually identified as flutes, blown at en end like the Japanese Chihuahuas.Instruments, such as the seven-holed flutes and various types of stringed instruments have been recovered from the Indus Valley Civilization archaeological sites. India has one of the oldest musical traditions in the world?references to Indian classical music (Marge) can be found in the ancient scriptures of the Hindu tradition, the Veda. The earliest and largest collection of prehistoric musical instruments was found in China and dates back to between 7000 and 6600 BC.

There are also references of music from the Bible and Arabian scholars.The Journal of Religion and Theatre noted that among the earliest forms of litany, ‘Hebrew litany was accompanied by a rich musical tradition. For example, Genesis 4. 21 identifies Jubbah as the “father of all such as handle the harp and pipe. In the 9th century, the Arab scholar al-Affair wrote a book on music titled Kitty al-Music al-Kabuki (“Great Book of Music”). He played and invented a variety of musical instruments and devised the Arab tone system of pitch organization, which is still used in Arabic music. Classical music Indian classical music is one of the oldest musical traditions in the world.

The Indus Valley civilization has sculptures that show dance and old musical instruments, like the seven holed flute. Various types of stringed instruments and drums have been recovered from Harp and Enjoy Dark by excavations carried out by Sir Mortimer Wheeler. Indian classical music (Marge) is monophonic, and based on a single melody line or raga rhythmically organized through atlas. Hindustan music was influenced by the Persian performance practices of the Afghan Musicals. Carnation music popular in the southern states, is largely devotional; the majority of the songs are addressed to the Hindu deities.There are a lot of songs emphasizing love and other social issues. Chinese classical music, the traditional art or court music of China has a history stretching over around three thousand years.

It has its own unique systems of musical notation, as well as musical tuning and pitch, musical instruments and styles or musical genres. Chinese music is pentatonic-diatonic, having a scale of twelve notes to an octave (5 + 12) as does European-influenced music. 20th and 21 SST century music With 20th century music, there was a vast increase in music listening as the radio gained popularity and phonographs were used to replay and stubbier music.The focus of art music was characterized by exploration of new rhythms, styles, and sounds. Igor Stravinsky, Arnold Schoenberg, and John Cage were all influential composers in 20th century art music. Jazz evolved and became a significant genre of music over the course of the 20th century, and during the second half of that century, rock music did the same. From its early development until the present, jazz has also incorporated music from 19th and 20th century American popular music.

Jazz has, from its early 20th century inception, spawned a variety of submerges, ranging fromNew Orleans Dixieland (sass) to 1 9705 and sass-era jazz-rock fusion. Rock music is a genre of popular music that developed in the 1 sass from sass rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, and country music. In the late sass and early sass, rock music branched out into different submerges, ranging from blues rock and jazz-rock fusion to heavy metal and punk rock, as well as the more classical influenced genre of progressive rock and several types of experimental rock genres. 2. 3 The Problems Arises from Music to Teenagers Music has many influences to teenagers.Certain music influenced teens costively where teens can benefit from them while some prove to convey negative impact on teens. One of the negative impact music have on youths are sexual curiosity.

Modern music is known for its sexual hints or explicit sexual lyrics. Since teenagers and youngsters are the most concerned about sex of all groups of age, especially when they have not had any intimate relationships, this type of music acted like a trap to them. The US based Rand Corporation, Pittsburgh research found how the music teenagers listen to influence their desire of being sexually active.After investigating 1461 participants with ages ranging room 12 to 17, researchers came to the conclusion that teenagers who listen to music with degrading sexual messages are twice more prone to start their sex life in the following two year period than those who listen to little or no such music. 51% of the heavy listeners started having sexual intercourse within two years, as compared to only 29% of those who did not enjoy sexually explicit lyrics. To add on, music affected youngster negatively when students became prone and accepting destructive behaviors as a norm.According to a WebMD Health News, a research conducted in the US showed hat rap and ‘gangs’-based music videos affects the young to be more likely to hit teachers and 2.

5 times more likely to be arrested for assault. Researcher Ralph J. Decremented, PhD, Of Emory University Rollins School Of Public Health said that it is alarming to discover that no associations were found with just violence or one or two risky behaviors but there were connections to a string of these behaviors. In other words, music can affect teens to behave in many unfavorable conducts.Youth’s fashion senses and attitude are now greatly affected by their musical preference. More and more teens dressed to imitate their favorite singers. Goths will imitate the outlook and even sometimes the behavior of performers whose mainstream is Goth music such as Marilyn Manson.

Some of this fashion senses can be seen as too aggressive and unsuitable to teens especially in the Asian region where demureness and reserved attitudes are practiced. Teens are also related to attitude change when listening to certain type of music.They often imitate the haughty attitude of rappers and hip-hop artist. Some are even inclined to follow these artists lifestyle where drugs are involved such as accent, Snoop Dog, Lindsay Loan, and atheistic behavior is portrayed such s practiced by Lady Gaga. Lastly, problems related to negative impact of music also includes suicidal intentions. Some songs are notoriously known for its depressing lyrics such as Gloomy Sunday (1935) where it hold the record of 200 suicidal attempts related to it all over the world.Many countries banned this song from being played in the public.

People with weak state of mind to be led astray by what they hear repetitively and teens are one of the groups of people who have a weak mindset. Eighteen-year-old Phillip Morton hung himself while listening to songs “Goodbye Cruel World” and “Waiting for the Worms,” from Pink Floyd play in the background. With the high strung guitar, vibrating drums and destructive themes playing rock music can increase the mood of the individual listening to it and promote anti-social behaviors and suicidal actions.As a conclusion, music may exhibit negative impact to youths of today. It does not matter the music genre teenagers listen to. It may be dance, hip- hop, rap, rock or pop. All that matters is the message comprised in the song’s lyrics.

Clearly, rap is not the only music that portrays negative stereotypes or can negatively impact behaviors, and not all rap music should be implicated. But there have been nearly thousands of studies that have looked at the effects that the music has on children’s behavior. And nearly all of them find there is a strong effect.Though it is undeniable that music can also impact this group positively, but we cannot simply overlook the cons when there are pros. 2. 4 How to Overcome It? Now that we have seen the negative impact of music, we must come up with ideas to overcome the problems. Firstly, it will be the responsibility of parents to control the type of music that their children prefer.

Sure, some would say with the access of internet today, this proved to be easier said than done. Even so, parents must take the initiative to train their children from little.

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