Management Information System
Access Lab Examination
[General Guidance]
Work on the provided Access file, “MIS Lab Exam 2022-3-15.accdb” to solve the problems below. When you have finished the lab works, please post the result on the Google Classroom by 9 pm, 3-15-2022. Later submission will have some points subtracted.
1. On the table SalesOrderHeader, set a validation rule such that OrderDate should be earlier than DueDate and provide an error message when the rule is not kept during the data entry on the OrderDate and DueDate.
2. On the table StateProvince, set up a table-based Lookup table for the data field CountryRegionCode that displays the names of the table CountryRegion, instead of the abbreviated CountryRegionCode.
3. Using the table SalesOrderHeader, provide grand total of the total due (TotalDue) at the bottom of the worksheet display of SalesOrderHeader.
4. Using the table SalesOrderHeader, set up a Question Assignment, SalesQ4_Question Assignment, that displays SalesOrderID, OrderDate, TotalDue, for the orders made in the fourth quarter of year 2001, that is, from 10/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 inclusive. “Inclusive” means dates 10/1/2001 and 12/31/2001 are included in the Q4 range.
5. Using the table SalesOrderHeader, we want to know how much each SalesPerson has sold in year 2001. Set up a Question Assignment, SalesPerformance_Question Assignment, that displays SalesPersonID and TotalSale that is sum of SubTotal in the year 2001 in the Currency format and in descending order.
6. Using table SalesOrderDetail and table Product, create a Question Assignment ProductSales_Question Assignment that displays ProductID (from table Product), Name (from table Product), LineTotal (from table SalesOrderDetail) in descending order, including the products that didn’t make any sale even. You will need Left Join or Right Join to display all the products in the table Product.
7. Create a Question Assignment, SalesByStateProvince_Question Assignment that displays StateProvinceCode of customers (from table StateProvince) and “SumOfTotalDue” that is the sum of TotalDue (from table SalesOrderHeader) in descending order and in currency format for each StateProvinceCode. Use Relationship Diagram to find related tables for the Question Assignment.
8. Using OrderedItems Question Assignment, set up a crosstab, SaleByCustomerAndProductCategory_Crosstab that displays sum of sale amount ([UnitPrice]*[OrderQty]) by each Customer and each ProductCategory, and SaleTotal that is sum of [UnitPrice]*[OrderQty] per each customer.