Individual Rehabilitaion Services is a a not for profit organization that Helps individuals returning to society following a substance abuse conviction. IRS gas beeb greatly successful in its urban effort. Thus more resources are needed. Late last year Irs began a restaurant operation, The Golden kettle, which specializes in soups. Las year’s operation was a break-even effort. At the beginning of the yhear, The Golden Kettle relocated to a mall. It has been clearnly established by the district director of the Internal Revenue Service tht income genrated by the Golden Kettle will be unrelated to business income.
Determine the mininum federal income tax liability and the taxed owed at the time of filing based on the following data:
Cash receipstL $1600,900 (Sales of $156,100 plus $4800 donated by IRS by Golden Kettle customers)
CASH Distribuitions
Marchandise and purchases $52,000
Wages and related payroll $20,870
rent $3,600
Property insurane 2,850
equipment 15000
loan payment 1200
utilities 1400
food license 400
professional fees 1900
repairs and maintenance 950
advertisement 4000
taxes 10000
phone 480
supplies 1300
MISC 520
total $116,470
Other information
1. IRS is an accrual basis callendar year taxpayer
2. Inventory information FIFO LiFO
Beginning inventory 12,000 11,200
ending inventory 14000 12,1000
3. Explanation of notes
a. included employer’s share of FICA
b. rent is $250 /month, A $350 security deposit was made and the final months rent was paoid in advance on a 18-month lease
c two assets aree insured
Inventory $150 and tangible property $2700
$200 a month to Buckner Band on a $3000 loan used to purchase equipment in (d) . Interst expense is $450
$ 200 paid in January 1 and July 1 to the city controller
Breakdown of this expense indicates
$200 for preparation of prior year taxes
$600 Payment for artichect plans
$1100 attorney for claim that customer got sick from uncooked food
Department of health orderd $650 worth of changes, $300 in fines
$1600 in advertising, plus $2400 in yellow page ad
Estimated Federal income tax payment during the year