Module 02: Discussion. Leading the Process of Organizational Change

Towards a Conceptual Framework

In this module, you have examined the different types of change management frameworks. Now read, Rethinking Organizational Change: Towards a conceptual framework from the required reading list. This study proposes a conceptual framework incorporating the macro environment (industry-level changes) with organization-level changes to help practitioners build a more balanced approach to change management.

With this approach, consider the macro environment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Discuss the six models of managing change and which you think would work best in the KSA business environment and why.

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.
3-5 references (APA style)
Readings Required:
Chapter 2 in Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit
Bose, I. (2020). The journey of change at Corus Strip Products, UK: A theory-based case review. IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, 17(1), 24-35.
Samal, A., & Chatterjee, D. (2020). Rethinking organizational change: Towards a conceptual framework. South Asian Journal of Management, 27(2), 30-53.


Leading the Process of Organizational Change Towards a Conceptual Framework
Organizational change management frameworks provide guidance for practitioners to navigate change initiatives. The six classic models discussed in Module 02 each offer a unique approach, but adopting a balanced perspective is ideal. This post analyzes the conceptual framework proposed by Samal and Chatterjee (2020) that incorporates both macro environmental factors and internal organizational dynamics. With this holistic lens, Kotter’s eight-step process appears best suited for the rapidly evolving business environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Samal and Chatterjee advocate considering change at multiple levels—from broad industry shifts to internal transformations. Their framework recognizes that macro forces like technological disruption, globalization and deregulation exert pressure on organizations. However, internal readiness, leadership commitment and employee buy-in also impact change outcomes. Neither external pressures alone nor internal responses in isolation fully explain organizational change.
This balanced view aligns well with the business climate in KSA. The nation’s Vision 2030 economic reform agenda aims to diversify the oil-dependent economy and increase private sector contribution through initiatives like lifting the ban on female drivers and expanding entertainment options (Bose, 2020). To capitalize on opening markets, companies must adapt operations and strategies to macro trends while smoothly managing internal change. Kotter’s eight steps provide a prescriptive, phase-based process to do so.
Kotter’s model addresses both levels in Samal and Chatterjee’s framework. The initial steps of establishing urgency and forming powerful coalitions focus internally on preparing the organization for change. Later steps like communicating vision and empowering broad-based action leverage the momentum of macro shifts by engaging employees. The model also emphasizes leadership from the top to guide change through to full institutionalization. Its comprehensive, step-by-step approach equips KSA firms to proactively respond to Vision 2030’s sweeping reforms on an organizational level.
In conclusion, Samal and Chatterjee’s conceptual framework offers a balanced lens for examining change. Of the six classic models, Kotter’s eight steps appear most fitting for navigating both macro environmental pressures and internal transformation needs within KSA’s rapidly evolving business context. A holistic, multi-level perspective guided by Kotter’s prescriptive process can help the nation’s companies optimally manage organizational change.

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