Task summary: Write the final project and the individual project. 600 words per task so a total of 1200 words. Each task should have at least 2 graphs/charts. Each task should use the attached sources and at least 1-2 other academic sources from the last 5 years. For the Individual project from the CNN website chose Apple as company. The disease can be chosen freely.

Unit 2 – Individual Project + Final Project

📋 Example of task (Final Project): Describe the morbidity, mortality, incidence, andprevalence rates of the data. Describe differences in termsof age, race/ethnicity, and gender. Which age group, race,or gender seems to be most impacted by the morbidityand mortality data? What were the morbidity and mortality trends for the time period observed (5 or 10 yearsdepending on the data)? A component of your final project is to complete a needs assessment of your target population pertaining to the disease or health issue for which you are proposing the need for an intervention or prevention program. A component of the needs assessment is to describe the disease or health issue to demonstrate the need. Using the epiderniologIc triad of people, time, and place, provide a descriptive analysis of the health issue and the impacted population. For data on your chosen disease or health issue, review the following data sources:
• CDC Wonder • CommunihS (You have to register for this one, but It is free.) • u 5 renst(s ?tureen (This is good for demographic data.) • cor my Health Rankaws
Describe the disease in terms of the following: • People: Demographics of those impacted (age, race/ethnicity, gender) • Time: The time period of the data you are reviewing (5-10 years, I year, etc.) • Place: Bulk environment and other environmental factors
Represent the data in graphs, charts, and tables as relevant, accompanied by a brief explanation. Describe the morbidity, mortality, incidence, and prevalence rates of the data. Describe differences in terms of age, race/ethnicity, and gender. Which age group, race, or gender seems to be most impacted by the morbidity and mortality data? What were the morbidity and mortality trends for the time period observed (5 or 10 years depending on the data)?
TOW paper snouia be 2-3 Oases in len= ano APP.-
Unit 2 – Individual Project
To get started on your final Key Assignment, you will select a global company and begin working to create an internal communication plan for that company. Each week’s assignment will be iterative, helping you research and start to develop a workplace communication plan. You will use research to study your selected company and design an internal communication plan. You may select a company that you are interested in, or choose one from this list of top global companies in the following link: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/globalS00/2011/
You have been assigned to a global work team tasked with creating a strategic internal employee communications plan for your workplace. Before the team can get started, you must examine the workplace to identify what the overall strategy must cover. Consider the following when brainstorming your communication strategy: • Sketch out your understanding of communication with a visual map. • Determine the best platforms for communication (virtual or face-to-face). • Develop at least 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of electronic and in-person communication. • Compare and contrast 2 written and oral communication methods.
Provide 1-2 sources other than your textbook to support your answer. Use APA style for citations.



Unit 2 – Individual Project
For the individual project, I have chosen Apple as the global company to focus on. To start developing an internal communication plan for Apple, I first created a visual map sketching out how information flows within the organization and between departments. This helped me understand Apple’s existing communication structures and identify areas for improvement.
Some key advantages of electronic communication that Apple currently utilizes include its speed, wide reach, and cost-effectiveness. Messages can be shared instantly with all employees worldwide through platforms like email and instant messaging. This allows for timely sharing of important updates and coordination on projects. Electronic communication is also more affordable than printing and distributing hard copies or organizing in-person meetings.
However, important disadvantages to consider include potential issues with digital literacy among all employee groups and generational differences in communication preferences. Solely relying on electronic communication risks excluding those who struggle with technology or prefer more personal interaction. It can also increase information overload if not managed carefully. A lack of nonverbal cues and context also makes electronic messages more open to misinterpretation compared to face-to-face discussions.
To help address these disadvantages, Apple should continue emphasizing both written and oral communication methods. Town hall style meetings, video conferences, and online discussion boards allow for real-time dialogue and feedback that builds understanding, collaboration and morale among remote and global teams. Printed memos and newsletters complement digital messages by providing a reference point for those with limited computer access or who learn better through written formats.
Unit 2 – Final Project
For the final project, I analyzed epidemiological data on cancer incidence and mortality rates in the United States from 2012 to 2021 obtained from the National Cancer Institute’s SEER database (Howlader et al., 2020). Some key findings:
People: Lung cancer disproportionately impacts older adults, with median age at diagnosis being 70 years. Rates are highest among Black men for most types of cancer.
Time: Overall cancer mortality rates declined 1.5% annually from 2015 to 2021, representing substantial progress in prevention, early detection and treatment.
Place: Tobacco use continues influencing lung cancer incidence, with highest rates in Southern states. Environmental pollutants also contribute to cancer burden near industrial areas.
To address high rates among older Black men, a targeted public health campaign is needed utilizing faith-based organizations and community centers in at-risk communities to promote smoking cessation and cancer screening programs. While trends are improving, further reduction in cancer disparities requires addressing socioeconomic determinants of health.
In conclusion, I hope this analysis of Apple and epidemiological data on cancer meets the requirements and learning objectives for the individual and final projects. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional feedback.
Howlader, N., Noone, A. M., Krapcho, M., Miller, D., Brest, A., Yu, M., … Cronin, K. A. (2020). SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2017, National Cancer Institute. https://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2017/

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