Assessment title: Assessment 2: Annotated Bibliography – Evidence Based Practice
Alignment with learning outcome(s): Learning Outcomes 3 and 5
Details of task:
You are required to complete an annotated bibliography comprised of six research studies from academic journals regarding one of the FOP below. You will need to write a paragraph that introduces your FOP and how your studies help or assist practice within it. The research papers you choose are to relate to best practice i.e. address and provide evidence that tells us how to improve service, practice or outcomes in your chosen FOP as a social worker.
The research papers are to relate to best practice i.e. address and provide evidence that tells us how to improve service, practice or outcomes in your chosen FOP. The papers you assess must have a sample and have actually gathered and analysed data. This means no systematic literature reviews.
You may find you articles in a journal and / or reputable research bodies.
You can choose from the following FOPs.
Specialist Settings FOP
• Family Violence/ Violence Against Women
• Hospital Social Work
Special Groups FOP
• Working with Indigenous Australians
• Working with Offenders in the Criminal Justice System (including Youth Justice)
• Working with Clients with Disabilities

Release date: NA
Due date: 11 May @ 11.55 pm
Word limit: 2500
Value: 40 % of overall grade (HURDLE)
Presentation requirements: NA
Estimated return date: In line with Faculty Guidelines (4 weeks from submission)
Hurdle requirements: As this is worth 40% of your grade this assessment is a hurdle requirement. This means you must pass this assessment to pass the Unit.
Individual assessment in group tasks: NA
Criteria for marking:
1. State the FOP, the social problem you are attempting to research and how your research papers relate to practice in this area (5 marks)
Does not meet Just Meets Meets Meets Well Meets Exceptionally

Higher scoring students will include a clear statement of the FOP and the social problem, using the word count wisely to outline the main issues as they relate to social work, why this is important for practice in social work and what are the key background contexts the reader should know in this area (e.g. any policy, legislation or debates that are relevant).
☐ Sophisticated description of the FOP and the problem being addressed using relevant research
☐ Outstanding description of the main issues as they relate to social work, using relevant information, including policy contexts and perspectives as well as up to date statistics and or figures
☐ Sophisticated discussion of why this topic is important for social work practice, using relevant research
☐ Outstanding description of the key background contexts the reader should know about (e.g. any policy, legislation that is relevant), using elements such as recent media, cases or other topic knowledge
1. Annotated List of Research x 6 studies (30 Marks overall made up of 6 x 5 marks)
Does not meet Just Meets Meets Meets Well Meets Exceptionally

Higher scoring students will select a relevant list of research articles directly related to their chosen FOP and that relate to improving practice in this FOP. Each annotation MUST be a study (have a sample and a research design). Each annotation MUST include a rational evaluation of the strengths and gaps in each research study and why the student included this in their list. Thus clearly articulating its relevance and value. Students who only re- describe what the author has said in the paper and do not provide any critique will not pass that annotation.
☐ All 6 chosen articles were targeted to the chosen FOP
☐ Exceptional description of the key points of the 6 the chosen articles
☐ Sophisticated and insightful critical analysis/evaluation provided of the 6 chosen articles (i.e. discussion of the strengths/weaknesses or gaps of the study/methodology, its relevance to the FOP, its value to the topic, etc.)
☐ Outstanding analysis of the relevance of the 6 articles to practice outcomes.
1. Grammar, Research and Proof Reading (5 marks)
Does not meet Just Meets Meets Meets Well Meets Exceptionally

Higher scoring students will demonstrate a broader more relevant scope of research, adhere to the criteria, correct referencing format (MONASH HARVARD), demonstrate sound spelling and proof reading with no typographical errors, on point word count and good overall paper presentation.
☐ Highly organised and structured paper, which allows the information to be clearly and consistently presented
☐ Outstanding breadth of research indicated
☐ Clear, appropriate and wellorganised presentation
☐ No typographical errors ☐ Accurate use of Harvard referencing ☐ Excellent grammar and writing

Additional information: NA

SWM5100 AT2 – ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Student name: Does not meet Just meets Meets Meets well Meets exceptionally 1. Introduction (5 marks)
☐ No identification or incomplete identification of the FOP and the problem being addressed ☐ No outline or limited outline of the main issues as they relate to social work ☐ No mention or limited mention of why this topic is important for social work practice ☐ No mention or limited mention of the key background contexts the reader should know about (e.g. any policy, legislation that is relevant). ☐ Elementary identification of the FOP and the problem being addressed ☐ Basic outline of the main issues as they relate to social work ☐ Basic outline of why this topic is important for social work practice ☐ Basic outline of the key background contexts the reader should know about (e.g. any policy, legislation that is relevant). ☐ Sound identification of the FOP and the problem being addressed ☐ Appropriate description of the main issues as they relate to social work ☐ Appropriate description of why this topic is important for social work practice ☐ Sound description of the key background contexts the reader should know about (e.g. any policy, legislation that is relevant). ☐ Considered description of the FOP and the problem being addressed ☐ Advanced description of the main issues as they relate to social work ☐ Focussed discussion of why this topic is important for social work practice ☐ Advanced description of the key background contexts the reader should know about (e.g. any policy, legislation that is relevant). ☐ Sophisticated description of the FOP and the problem being addressed using relevant research ☐ Outstanding description of the main issues as they relate to social work, using relevant information, including policy contexts and perspectives as well as up to date statistics and or figures ☐ Sophisticated discussion of why this topic is important for social work practice, using relevant research ☐ Outstanding description of the key background contexts the reader should know about (e.g. any policy, legislation that is relevant), using elements such as recent media, cases or other topic knowledge 2. Annotations (30 marks)

derived from 6 annotations
☐ Most articles were not research/study articles (i.e. articles describing a study that have a sample, a research design and findings/results) ☐ Most of the 6 chosen articles were not relevant to the chosen FOP ☐ No summary or limited summary of the key points of at least 5 of the chosen articles
☐ 4 or more of the articles were relevant to the chosen FOP ☐ Basic description summarising the key points of all 6 of the chosen articles provided ☐ Some effort made to provide critical analysis/evaluation of at least 5 of the 6 chosen articles (i.e. discussion of the strengths/weaknesses or gaps
☐ All 6 chosen articles were relevant to the chosen FOP ☐ Solid description of the key points of at least 5 of the chosen articles provided ☐ Sound critical analysis/evaluation provided of at least 5 of the 6 chosen articles (i.e. discussion of the strengths/weaknesses or gaps of the study/methodology, its
☐ All 6 chosen articles were highly relevant to the chosen FOP ☐ Strong description of the key points of the 6 chosen articles ☐ Considered and concise analysis/evaluation provided of the 6 chosen articles (i.e. discussion of the strengths/weaknesses or gaps of the study/methodology, its
☐ All 6 chosen articles were targeted to the chosen FOP ☐ Exceptional description of the key points of the 6 the chosen articles ☐ Sophisticated and insightful critical analysis/evaluation provided of the 6 chosen articles (i.e. discussion of the strengths/weaknesses or gaps of the study/methodology, its
☐ No critical analysis/evaluation provided of at least 5 of the 6 chosen articles (i.e. no discussion of the strengths/weaknesses or gaps of the study/methodology, its relevance to the FOP, its value to the topic, etc.) ☐ No or limited mention of the relevance of at least 5 of the articles to practice outcomes
of the study/methodology, its relevance to the FOP, its value to the topic, etc.) ☐ Basic mention of the relevance of at least 5 of the articles to practice outcomes
relevance to the FOP, its value to the topic, etc.) ☐ Appropriate description of the relevance of at least 5 of the articles to practice outcomes
relevance to the FOP, its value to the topic, etc.) ☐ Advanced discussion of the relevance of the 6 articles to practice outcomes
relevance to the FOP, its value to the topic, etc.) ☐ Outstanding analysis of the relevance of the 6 articles to practice outcomes
3. Grammar. Research and Proofreading, (5 marks)
☐ Poor or inappropriate structuring of the information ☐ Poor breadth of research indicated ☐ Poor or inappropriate presentation ☐ Limited proofreading/editing: evident in typographical errors throughout ☐ No use of Harvard referencing ☐ Problematic grammar and writing

☐ Some attempt to structure the information ☐ Basic breadth of research indicated ☐ Some attempt to present the assessment appropriately to answer the question/s ☐ Typographical errors evident ☐ Poor use of Harvard referencing (errors throughout) ☐ Standard grammar and writing
☐ Appropriately organised and structured information ☐ Appropriate breadth of research is indicated ☐ Appropriate presentation ☐ Some typographical errors, but generally well proofread ☐ Harvard referencing used, with some errors ☐ Sound grammar and writing
☐ Information is organised and structured clearly ☐ Appropriate breadth of research is indicated ☐ Clear and appropriate presentation ☐ Paper is well proofread and edited, with minimal errors ☐ Harvard referencing used with only minor errors ☐ Strong grammar and writing
☐ Highly organised and structured paper, which allows the information to be clearly and consistently presented ☐ Outstanding breadth of research indicated ☐ Clear, appropriate and wellorganised presentation ☐ No typographical errors ☐ Accurate use of Harvard referencing ☐ Excellent grammar and writing

The best feature of your assignment:
Something to work on:
The person below can help you with your _________________. Please follow the link for more information and attend a drop-in or make an appointment.

⃞ SASU (assistance with academic writing and spoken communication for social work students, including grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, task analysis, assessment structure, citing & referencing)
⃞ English Connect (grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice)
⃞ Librarians/Learning skills advisers (finding suitable sources, citing & referencing, time management, task analysis, structure, analysis, reading & note taking, academic






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