project details

In this assignment, you are going to complete a marketing plan as outlined in the beginning of Chapter 2 of your eTextbook. As you will recall, these are:

Build a cross-functional team.
Check the foundation and long-term business direction.
Clarify the goals and objectives.
Conduct a comprehensive analysis.
Recommend the most important strategies and tactics.
Check the numbers.
Sell the plan.
Execute and track progress.
You can discuss a project that you are familiar with, make up a marketing situation, or choose from the scenarios below.

Your marketing plan must show your own personalized approach. Ensure that you:

include specifics of what you would do, ask, or research in each step for the most effective outcomes;
show evidence of applied business principles and demonstrate your understanding of course and unit concepts;
explain key factors that will impact marketing for a diverse health care organization;
include any ethical consideration in your marketing plan;
explore a strategic marketing plan process;
explain how hospital (or other local) demographics factor into your plan; and
be sure to address any concerns you may have with impacts from the quality and consumer data for your hospital/organization.
Potential Examples:

Your practice has just hired a brand-new primary care doctor and needs to create a plan to start building a baseline of patients.
The emergency management organization you work for has seen decreasing use of its services since a competitor came to town a few months ago. You have been asked to create a plan to market your services to the local hospital in the hopes they will contract with your company.
The executive team at your hospital has decided to start a brand-new service offering acupuncture as a treatment for pain.
Your marketing plan must be five pages, not including the title and reference pages. You are encouraged to include graphics, charts, or other supporting material that will support or enhance your plan; however, these are not counted in the five-page written requirement.

You are required to use at least three sources to support your marketing plan, one of which may be your eTextbook. All sources used must have citations and references properly formatted in APA Style. APA formatting is otherwise not required.

separate sheet

Part 1, reflect on how you believe the concepts presented and the activities conducted in this course may benefit you in your future professional, personal, or academic endeavors. Give one specific example of an aspect of this course you found most beneficial.

Part 2, reflect on social marketing as a way to help inform, engage, and motivate consumers towards some type of behavior change. There is a fine line between creating messages that are informative and using lessons in psychology to motivate individuals. What do you feel the balance should be between messaging and psychological creativity? What risk do you believe exists for health care professionals creating marketing messages if they do not get the balance correct?

Marketing Plan for a New Acupuncture Service

at Community Hospital
Community Hospital seeks to expand its integrative medicine offerings to better serve patient needs and align with its strategic direction of providing more holistic care options. Acupuncture shows promise as an effective non-pharmacological treatment for pain conditions like back pain, headaches, and arthritis, which affect over half of our emergency department patients annually. This marketing plan proposes launching a medical acupuncture service to meet this community need in a financially sustainable way.
Goals and Objectives
The overarching goals of this marketing plan are to establish acupuncture as a core service of Community Hospital within one year and achieve a caseload of 20 patients per week receiving acupuncture treatments within six months. Objectives to accomplish these goals include securing administrative approval and funding, hiring a licensed acupuncturist, and promoting awareness of acupuncture services among patients and providers.
Market Analysis

Research demonstrates acupuncture’s efficacy for musculoskeletal pain conditions. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2018) concludes acupuncture is effective for back and neck pain, headaches, and osteoarthritis based on rigorous clinical trials. Our hospital records show over 50% of emergency department visits are for such issues as back pain, indicating a clear need and market potential (Community Hospital Patient Records, 2022). No local competitors currently offer medical acupuncture treatments.
Marketing Strategy and Tactics
To promote the new acupuncture service, the marketing team will develop print and digital materials highlighting real patient stories and research on acupuncture’s benefits. Primary care providers will receive training to discuss acupuncture as a pain management referral option. Introductory seminars will educate patients and providers on how acupuncture works. The team will also negotiate in-network insurance agreements and partner with local yoga studios for community outreach events.
Financial Projections

Based on average reimbursement rates, each new acupuncture patient is projected to generate $200 per month in revenue. With an expected caseload of 20 patients by the end of year one, total annual revenue would reach $50,000. Startup costs are estimated at $30,000 for equipment, supplies and the acupuncturist’s salary during the first 6 months as the practice is established. Therefore, the service should be financially self-sustaining within 18 months as patient volume increases over time.
Implementation and Evaluation
Upon administrative approval, tactics will launch over the next 6-12 months. Key metrics like new patient numbers, no-show rates, and patient satisfaction surveys will be tracked regularly. The marketing team will meet bi-weekly to evaluate progress, make adjustments as needed, and ensure objectives are met. An annual focus group will provide feedback on how to best meet community needs through the acupuncture program.

This marketing plan proposes a strategic approach to introducing medical acupuncture services at Community Hospital based on market research and financial projections. By addressing an existing need through an evidence-based treatment, this program aims to improve patient care while achieving self-sufficiency. Regular evaluation will allow the team to optimize the plan over time. Subject to approval, launching this integrative medicine program can help Community Hospital fulfill its mission well into the future.
Community Hospital Patient Records. (2022). [Proprietary Data]
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (2018, February). Acupuncture: In depth.

Writing Guide:
Build a Cross-Functional Team
Assemble a team that includes representatives from marketing, nursing, administration, billing/finance, and community outreach. The team will work together to plan and implement the marketing strategy.
Check the Foundation and Long-Term Business Direction

Our hospital’s strategic plan aims to expand integrative medicine services to better serve patient needs. Acupuncture aligns well with this direction by offering a non-pharmacological pain treatment option (National Institutes of Health, 2020).
Clarify Goals and Objectives
Establish acupuncture as a core service offering within 1 year
Achieve a caseload of 20 patients per week within 6 months Objectives:
Secure administrative approval and funding for the program
Hire a licensed acupuncturist
Promote awareness of acupuncture services among patients and providers
Conduct a Comprehensive Analysis
Research shows acupuncture is effective for pain including back and neck pain, headaches, and osteoarthritis (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2018). Our patient population could benefit, as over 50% visit the ER annually for musculoskeletal issues (Hospital X Patient Records, 2022). No local competitors currently offer medical acupuncture.
Recommend Strategies and Tactics
Develop print and digital marketing materials highlighting acupuncture benefits and success stories
Train primary care providers to discuss acupuncture as a referral option
Offer introductory seminars on acupuncture for patients and providers
Negotiate in-network insurance agreements to increase access and affordability
Partner with yoga studios for community outreach events
Check the Numbers
Projections estimate 20 new acupuncture patients per month by year 1, generating $50,000 annual revenue based on average reimbursement rates. With overhead costs under $30,000, the service would be financially self-sustaining within 18 months.
Sell the Plan
Present plan to hospital administration and board of directors, emphasizing alignment with strategic goals, community need for integrative services, and financial viability. Address any concerns regarding safety, efficacy or costs.
Execute and Track Progress
Implement tactics, monitor key metrics like new patient numbers, no-show rates and patient satisfaction. Conduct regular team meetings to evaluate progress and make adjustments as needed. Administer an annual patient survey and focus groups to ensure the program continues meeting needs.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (2018, February). Acupuncture: In depth.

National Institutes of Health. (2020, January 31). Acupuncture.

Hospital X Patient Records. (2022). [Proprietary Data]

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