Therapeutic relationship
Number of cited resources 0
Type of service Writing
This reflection must be related to an experience where you used therapeutic communication with a client in the practicum setting. Please also select 2 other reputable websites that can provide evidence to support your reflection. Please follow the Reflective Note Rubric and ensure your reflection is 1000 words in APA format with a title page and reference page. Please follow the Practicum Handbook expectations for your reflection. Utilizes a minimum of 2 reputable websites, scholarly articles or BPG’s to inform reflection
1. PRACTICUM 28 SECTION V: Assessment PROCESS OF Assessment
The expected clinical performance outcomes of Practical Nursing program students are outlined in the practicum Assessment.
Assessment is a formative as well as a summative process. Formative Assessment includes daily informal feedback in the form of regular debriefing, which provides encouragement, feedback, clarification, teaching, and suggestions for improvement. This can be given both verbally and in writing. Summative Assessments are formal assessments conducted at midterm and final Assessment meetings.
The Assessment process will be collaborative, interactive, and student-centered, in keeping with the philosophy of the caring curriculum. The Assessment process philosophy includes the following points: • A caring approach is critical to Helping the student in achieving success.
• The review process must be praxis-based; • Learning occurs in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains; • What is gained from each learning episode varies from learner to learner; and • Recognizing mastery and excellence is as important as recognizing areas for improvement.
• Continuous feedback is required for development and to reinforce the development of accountability and professionalism.
The ultimate goal of the Practical Nursing program is to graduate practitioners who are caring, safe, ethical, and competent, as well as accountable to the standards of the profession and responsive to the needs of the client and society.
1.2 Assessment PROCESS Assessment is a continuous process that includes a review of the student’s practicum progress each semester. This includes regular electronic self-assessment as well as written and verbal feedback from the student and their practicum facilitator on meeting the learning outcomes for that practicum experience.
Students must submit all components of the Assessment tool with appropriate evidences by the assigned due date in preparation for the formal midterm and final Assessment meetings. This allows the practicum facilitator / preceptor to consider the student self-assessment when completing the Assessment.