NMR Spectroscopy Instrumentation
NMR Spectroscopy Instrumentation written assignment, 25% of module 1500 words maximum (+Pictures/Figures/References). As per university guidelines a penalty will be applied for work not within 10% of the word limit Submit electronically via Brightspace.
Give a concise description of benchtop NMR spectrometers:
1. You must provide details of how the static magnetic field is generated
2. You must discuss the sensitivity of the instrument
3. You should discuss the resolution of the instrument considering both spectral resolution and ability to resolve chemical shift differences
4. You should describe key applications of the instrument
5. You should describe appropriate solvents for use with the instrument
6. You should briefly comment on observation of strong coupling effects
7. You should briefly comment on the available detection nuclei and pulse sequences
8. You should describe recent advances in benchtop NMR technology
9. Finally you need to conclude by summarising the advantages and disadvantages of low-field benchtop (300 MHz) NMR instruments.
You are expected to cover the subject in more detail than what was presented in the lecture course so you will need to undertake some literature research, consulting textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles and manufacturer websites. Major manufacturers of benchtop NMR instruments include Magritek, Nanalysis, Oxford Instruments and Bruker. Bruker are also market leaders in conventional superconducting NMR with JEOL their main competitor (though with
Your report must be written in your own words and you must not copy information directly from any source, to do so is plagiarism. All work will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin and mark penalties may be applied via the university academic integrity procedure where misconduct is detected. You should only write about things which you have understood and can express in your own words.
Any figures used should add value to the report, and must be clearly referenced (e.g. “Figure reproduced from ref. 1”) in the caption if not your own original work. Figure captions must be expressed in your own words and must not be copied directly from the figure source.
All information must be correctly referenced using the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) referencing style and your report must include a full numerical reference list. You are required to complete the university academic integrity module and complete the academic integrity quiz with a score of 100% BEFORE submitting this assignment.
Instrumentation for NMR Spectroscopy
Written assignment for NMR Spectroscopy Instrumentation, 25 percent of module 1500 words maximum (+Pictures/Figures/References). If your work exceeds 10% of the word limit, you will be penalized according to university norms. Brightspace is the preferred method of electronic submission.
Provide a brief overview of benchtop NMR spectrometers:
1. Describe how the static magnetic field is created in detail.
2. You must talk about the instrument’s sensitivity.
3. You should talk about the instrument’s resolution, which includes both spectral resolution and the capacity to discern chemical shift discrepancies.
4. Describe the instrument’s most important uses.
5. Describe the solvents that should be used with the device.
6. Make a brief statement about the observation of substantial coupling effects.
7. You should make a quick comment