Which sphere do you feel you need more help with, and which one do you think is more comfortable for you to lead in?
General Guidelines for Discussion Forums:
Each post is about 300 words in length, using full sentences and paragraphs.
Each post must incorporate at least two (2) citations + a Reference list.
All posts are clearly written and contain NO spelling or grammatical errors. Use APA Citations for all your sources and include an APA References list. (No Title Page or other APA formatting is required)
You are expected to use the following sources we have used in LDRS 300 class as references. Use of sources not from LDRS 300 is permitted only as a secondary source to validate your point made from an LDRS 300 source.
Which area do you think you need more help with, and which do you think you’d be more comfortable leading in?
General Discussion Forum Guidelines: Each post should be around 300 words long, with full sentences and paragraphs.
At least two (2) citations and a Reference list must be included in each post.
All of the pieces are well-written and free of spelling and grammatical problems. For all of your sources, use APA citations and provide an APA References list. (There is no need for a Title Page or any other APA structure.)
You are expected to use the following sites as references, which we used in LDRS 300 class. Use of non-LDRS 300 sources is only authorized as a secondary source to support your argument.