Faculty of Business and Law
Assignment Brief 2022/23

Unit Title:
Business Project Research/Consultancy
Unit Code: 5L6Z0007 Core Yes Level: 6
Assignment Title: Individual Business Research Proposal (15%)
Unit Leader: Dr Raoul Bianchi
Contact Details:

Raoul Bianchi
Email address: r.bianchi@mmu.ac.uk

Submission Date: See date on Moodle Feedback Return Date: See Date on Moodle

Digital Submission Instructions: submit through Moodle no later than 21.00 on day of submission

Feedback Return Information: Feedback will be provided via Turnitin on Moodle.

Additional Information:

If you have already received feedback on an earlier submission of this assignment you are advised to address the points in the feedback aimed at improving your work. If you are resitting this assessment you must focus on a different research case study or project than you proposed in your original assignment. It is vital however that you refer to the general feedback provided on your original submission.

Assignment Task and Word Count:

This assessment comprises an extended 2000 word (only -/+ 10% is acceptable) project/dissertation proposal that identifies the research objectives, data collection and analysis techniques and an initial literature review. The proposal is worth 15% of the final mark for the Business Project/Dissertation unit. References should be formatted according to the Harvard referencing style: https://libguides.mmu.ac.uk/refguide/mmuharvard

Unit Learning Outcomes.

LO1: Identify a relevant research focus and provide research objectives to explore the key issues.
LO2: Formulate and justify appropriate research methods to address the research objectives

Early Career/ World Class Professional Skills (PLOs) assessed.

The PLOs associated with this unit and the assignment are (see rubric at end of document):

PLO 1.1.1. Identify and interrogate relevant data and literature sources using methods appropriate to level of study and to discipline

PLO 2.1.1: Organise work in a logical structure in order to draw conclusions that follow from line of argument

PLO 2.1.2. Apply consistent and appropriate referencing and in text citations

PLO 2.1.3.Demonstrate digital skills appropriate to level and to discipline

PLO 3.1.1 Recognise, explore and reflect on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice.

PLO 4.1.1. Identify and explain professional and commercial/corporate issues.

PLO 4.2.1. Identify and explain debates in their global and/or international context

PLO 4.2.2. Critically discuss the global and/or international context

Assignment Details and Instructions.

The research proposal comprises a core element of the final year dissertation. When drafting a proposal, you must ensure to:

• Provide an indicative title for your prosed project.
• A clearly defined and precise research question. This should consist of an aim together with 3 to 5 objectives of the research project.
• Provide a clear rationale and justification for the proposed research, including relevant contextual and a background information on the chosen topic.
• Establish the scope of the research by identifying appropriate key theoretical underpinnings and schools of thought supported by a range of appropriate academic literature.
• Explain and justify your methodology (inductive/deductive), chosen method(s) of analysis and research design. If you intend to undertake quantitative research you must clearly indicate the relevant models and/or variables to be used. You must also explain how the methodology will meet the prosed aims and objectives.
• Set out a schedule/timetable for the execution of the research and for the completion of the project/dissertation, indicating any likely limitations or potential problems that may arise (eg., access to respondents; relevant databases).

In addition, you must
• Indicate whether the proposed research will seek to address a specific problem, in the way of a consultancy-type report, or whether it will comprise a more conventional academic piece of research.
• Apply for ethical approval if you are collecting primary data via surveys or interviews or
if you propose to seek access to data which is not freely available (e.g., commercially sensitive information) The link for ethical approval is: https://ethosapply.mmu.ac.uk/Account/Login
• Include a Reference List. These must be formatted according to the MMU Harvard Referencing system. https://www.mmu.ac.uk/library/referencing-and-study-support/referencing/mmu-harvard/reference-list-format
• Include a title page (with student ID only).

Weekly lectures and tutorials during weeks 1-3 will be used to support the preparation of the research proposal.

Resources & Reading List:
Resources and unit reading list are published on Moodle. Independent research is crucial for this
unit in addition to the teaching material and resources on Moodle. Please check relevant journals, international studies/reports published by international institutions such as World Bank, IMF, OECD, WTO & similar where relevant as well as sources such as the Economist, Financial Times & other similar sources.

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

The work submitted must be your own. All submissions are checked for originality using various tools such as Turnitin. Please refer to the University’s guidelines https://www2.mmu.ac.uk/student-case-management/guidance-for-students/academic-misconduct/

University stepped marking guidelines:

For Level 6 university descriptors please click here: https://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/docs/USD_level_06.pdf
The grid of descriptors indicates how your work is graded and details the skills and evidence required to achieve each grade.

Step Marking Grid. The grid illustrates the range of grades available. They are linked to the descriptors (see above).

Mark UG Classification
95 – 100% Outstanding
90% Very High First
85% High First
80% Mid First
75% Low First
72% Marginal First
68% High 2.1
65% Mid 2.1
62% Low 2.1
58% High 2.2
55% Mid 2.2
52% Low 2.2
48% High third
45% Mid third
42% Low third
38% Marginal Fail
28% Clear Fail
18% Very poor Fail
0% Non submission

Marking Rubric –
(AOL PLO) 0-20% 20-29% 30 – 39% 40-49% 50-59%- 60- 69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100%
Clear rationale and significance of
the research topic; appropriate contextualisation of topic; clearly defined research question; clarity of
research aim &

PLOs 4.1.1. & 4.2.1 No rationale nor explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; no contextualisation;
lack of clearly defined
research aim and
Very limited rationale nor explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; very limited contextualisation;
very poorly defined research aim and
Limited rationale and explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; limited contextualisation;
poorly defined
research aim and
Adequate rationale and explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; adequate contextualisation;
adequately defined research aim and
objectives. Satisfactory rationale and explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; satisfactory contextualisation;
satisfactorily defined research aim and
objectives. Good rationale and explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; good contextualisation;
well defined research aim and objectives. Excellent rationale and explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; very good contextualisation;
very well defined research aim and
objectives. Exceptional rationale and explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; excellent contextualisation;
excellently defined research aim and
objectives. Outstanding rationale and explanation
of the
significance of
the topic; adequate contextualisation;
outstandingly defined research aim and
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.

PLOs 4.2.1. & 4.2.2 No knowledge
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Very limited knowledge
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Limited knowledge
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Adequate knowledge
and sufficient
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Satisfactory knowledge
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Good knowledge
and thorough
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Excellent knowledge
and in-depth
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Exceptional knowledge and comprehensive
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.
Outstanding level of knowledge and exemplary
of relevant
literature, concepts, theories
and methodologies.

Critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.

PLOs 1.1.1 and
4.2.2 No critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Very limited critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Limited critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Adequate critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Satisfactory critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Good critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Excellent critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Exceptional critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.
Exemplary critical analysis and interpretation of
of key issues and contemporary debates drawn from literature and data to underpin and frame research question and methodology.

proposal is well
logical and

PLO 2.1.1 &
2.1.3. Unstructured,
illogical flow,
disorganised proposal. Poor structure, disjointed structure and illogical flow. Some structure and logical flow but still disorganised and jumbled. Adequate structure and flow, acceptable organization. Satisfactory structure and flow, acceptable organization. Good structure and flow. Coherent and well organized. Excellent structure and flow. Fluent and precise connectivity between elements. Exceptional structure, flow, and coherence between elements. Outstanding structure, flow, and coherence between elements.
Consistent and
referencing and
in text citation
as well as
grammar syntax

PLO 2.1.2 No referencing
language and
grammar and
spelling Very limited referencing,
sources, poor in
text citation. Poor
use of Harvard
Very poor usage of
language, syntax
and spelling;
extremely poor
grammar Some
References and in text citations. Inconsistent use of
of Harvard
Poor usage of
language, syntax
and spelling;
bad grammar Adequate Harvard
referencing, but
still some
sources. Adequate
in text citations.
grammar and
syntax. Still needs
to be more
academic Satisfactory Harvard
Sufficient in text
citations, more
Satisfactory use of
academic language,
appropriate syntax,
few spelling or
grammatical errors. Thorough and
referencing. Precise
in text citations.
Good use of
academic language.
Precise syntax. No
grammatical or
spelling errors Sophisticated
referencing and in text
Excellent use of
academic language,
sophisticated syntax.
Excellent spelling and
grammar. Complex referencing and
in text citations.
Exemplary use of academic
language, sophisticated
syntax. Excellent spelling
and grammar Authoritative referencing
and in text citations.
Complex language and
syntax. Outstanding
3.1.1 Recognise, explore and reflect on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice.
Demonstrates no knowledge of key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Weak reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Some reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Adequate reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Satisfactory reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Good reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Excellent reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Exceptional reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice. Outstanding reflection on key ethical issues as they affect own and others’ practice.

Faculty of Business and Law

Unit Title:
Business Project Research/Consultancy
Unit Code: 5L6Z0007 Core Yes Level: 6
Title: Business Research Proposal (Outline)

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an assessed piece of work but it is important that you complete and submit it by the deadline in order that supervisors be allocated as early possible.

Unit Leader: Dr Raoul Bianchi
Email address: r.bianchi@mmu.ac.uk

Submission Date: Monday 7thNovember Feedback: It may take a while to allocate your supervisor. However, you can always discuss your ideas with the unit leader at any time.
Digital Submission Instructions: submit through Moodle no later than 21.00 on day of submission
Outline Task: Please provide a concise outline of your proposed research idea in the sections below (max 500 words, excl. title and references).
Working Title:
Please provide an indicative title for your proposed research of no more than 25 words.
Rationale and Context of the Research (150 words):
Please provide a clear statement of the proposed research topic and justification for the project in terms of its contribution to knowledge. If possible, please also provide a preliminary research question/ aim and objectives.
Background Reading/Literature (150 words):
Please provide an indication of the principal area/scope of IBM research into which your proposed project falls, together with details of your preliminary reading; concepts and theories pertinent to your proposed area of research.
Methodology & Research Design (200 words):
Please provide a brief summary of the proposed research design and methods of data collection. Please ensure to identify any areas of potential ethical concern and/or which may require risk assessment (eg., for any research which may take place in person, off-campus).
Indicative Reference List.
Please provide list of any references consulted, indicated above. These must be formatted according to the MMU Harvard Referencing system. https://www.mmu.ac.uk/library/referencing-and-study-support/referencing/mmu-harvard/reference-list-format

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