World in Balance — Part One: The People Paradox
As you watch the video, fill out this worksheet.
1. Where in the world are birth rates declining? Name specific countries.
2. What type of economy do the nations have where the birth rates are declining?
3. Where in the world are populations growing rapidly? Name specific countries.
4. What type Of economy do the nations have where the populations are growing rapidly?
5. In the countries that are experiencing large growth in their populations, what two commodities are in greater demand than the actual available supplies?
a. Commodity One
b. Commodity Two
6. How will a decline in population affect a country? Be specific with your facts.
7. How will a growth in population affect a country? Be specific with your facts.
8. The video discusses some of the population challenges that India, Kenya, and Japan are experiencing. Give two challenges for each country.
a. challenge one
b. challenge two
a. challenge one
b. challenge two
a. challenge one
b. challenge two
9. What are some of the medical problems that women in India are experiencing, Give two.
10. Briefly discuss in two or three sentences the problems that orphans in sub-Saharan Africa have.
11. What is a microbicie? How can this compound help with the AIDS pandemic?
12. Give two problems that Japan will encounter in the future as its labor force shrinks.
13. What kinds of societal problems will Japan have when there are no longer women at home to care for the elderly?