
Discussion (Initial Post ) 1 page and Replies (Roughly 200-to be uploaded later, after posting the discussion)

Select ONE of the following topics to discuss (25 points):

Reminder-only use respectful language in all discussion forum postings.

Please do not refer students to another link in your post, but instead summarize the information in the link and refer to it as a reference as to where you obtained the information.

In addition, research and respond to another students post with additional information on the topic to enhance learning (15 points)

1. Follow the digestive process, include both mechanical and chemical digestion of nutrients, where in the digestive tract digestion begins and ends, include organs and enzymes involved in digestion. Clearly define the mechanical and chemical aspects of digestion. Regarding storage systems-How does the body process an excess amount of carbohydrate and fat consumed?

2. Discuss the role of Microbes in the Digestive tract. What happens when the mix of bacterial species falls out of balance? What specific foods increase harmful bacteria? Provide 2 examples of foods to consume that may increase harmful bacteria and 2 examples of foods to consume that increase helpful bacteria. Also, discuss the idea that the digestive tract has trouble digesting certain foods together, for example some diets claim meat and fruit should not be consumed together. Is this true or a myth and why based on specific digestive processes and physiology. Discuss how microbes play a role in the digestive tract. What happens when the bacterial species mix becomes unbalanced? What foods promote the growth of harmful bacteria? Give two examples of foods that may increase harmful bacteria and two examples of foods that may increase helpful bacteria. Discuss how the digestive tract has difficulty digesting certain foods together, such as how some diets claim meat and fruit should not be consumed together. Based on specific digestive processes and physiology, is this true or a myth, and why?

3. Discuss the role of fiber in your diet. What is the difference between insoluble and soluble fiber, list one benefit of consuming soluble fiber and one benefit of consuming insoluble fiber. Provide 2 examples of how you will add fiber to your diet, and how many grams of fiber this will add to your diet. What is your recommended grams of fiber per day and how many grams of fiber per 1000 calories is recommended?

In addition, research and respond to another students post adding more information to enhance learning (15 points)

Reminder: site your source if you are using information gathered from the internet, do not copy and paste.

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