Linux Implementation Proposal
Computer Sciences and Information Technology

Linux Implementation Proposal
Dura Technology, LLC new research and development group called DTDG that would require all its systems to run the Linux operating system and access various resources with Linux, LLC’s Microsoft Active Directory Domain, and share resources across DTDG’s 500 client operating system that include desktops and laptops that are currently running Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. The Linux proposal provided in the paper would provide a plan to remove all Windows systems within the network of Dura Technology, by replacing and migrating all Windows systems to a Linux based system. The paper will discuss and propose necessary upgrades regarding hardware and software configuration and requirements that would be needed for a new Linux environment. The administration procedures for the new DTDG Linux system would be provided including login procedures and IP assignments; file access procedures including DNS access by the DTDG system, DTDG network file access, Printing, and data encryption. The transition process from Windows systems to Linux based systems is expected to be smooth, easy, and capable to provide DTDG’s research and development with success in its operations.
Implementation of Linux system by Dura Technology is based on the fact that Linux is one of the most secure and flexible Operating Systems suitable for business and personal computers. Linux system is also considered to have few cases concerning unauthorized access when compared to other Operating systems such as windows (The Linux, 2019). However, for the implementation of the Linux operating system to be proper, the requirements for the DTDG’s system should be clearly considered. Therefore, to determine if the Linux system would function well, the table below presents the minimum against the current requirements.
Number Requirement Minimum Requirement Current Requirement
1 RAM 512MB 2GB to 8GB
2 Disk Space 20 GB 80GB to 320GB
3 Graphics 800 * 600 required, 1024 * 768 recommended 1024 * 786 pixel
4 Network Network 10/100 Mbps Network 10/100/1000 Mbps
5 USB ports 1 4
6 Monitor 15 Inch LCD 22 Inch LCD

Based on the information provided in the table, the proposed Linux system would be able to much better since the requirements of the system match the minimum and current levels of requirements. DTDG uses Windows Server 2016 domain controller and AD that provide services including DNS, Microsoft Active Directory, printing, DHCP and web services to 500 clients’ operating systems mainly comprised of desktops and laptops that run in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

Migrating from Windows to Linux
The migration process involves specific steps that should be followed. The first step of the migration process is to ensure the organization data is well secured before the migration process from Windows to Linux. The backup creation for the current data in computers would be conducted through external hard drive backup and cloud backup. It is preferred to perform backup for laptops at the same hard-drive after partitioning increasing the possibility of lot losing data when it is backed up on different partitions. After completing the backup process, the next step is to prepare hard drives for the installation process. Preparation for installation involves formatting hard drives and preparing them with the most suitable file system and partitions that would be most suitable for Linux and the organizations’ standards. To ensure the installation process is faster and efficient, the installation of software of the Linux operating system would be deployed from a network server and data backed up in the cloud system and other external hard drives retrieved after a successful installation of Linux.
Hardware to be Used and the Installation Options
There would be no need for additional hardware for the installation of Linux OS since the current hardware used by both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 exceeds the minimum possible requirement for Linux installation. The installation of Linux would require a stable network and a stable serer sine the process involves time and energy-consuming. The server requirement is enough storage space for software accommodation and running. The stable network would support communication between the work station in the network and provide clients with fast speed to install the software (DiMaggio, 2013). Clients will install the Linux software on their particular personal computers from the server through an FTP or HTTP server. However, the DTDG’s research and development group can use the automatic installation process, whereby a network system is used to install the Linux OS at the same time on multiple computers. Though the process might take longer, the automatic installation process will allow a uniform installation of the latest version of the OS, it offers a chance to install additional packages during the installation period, and the process does not require someone manning the whole process, hence reducing labor installation costs for the organization.
System Administration
End-User Logins
The installation process will involve setting authentication rules based on the level of the understanding of the users and unique characteristics of the users such as rank, responsibility, and clearance to access certain information. The authentication and authorization method will be based on the username and password login method into the computer system and access to files and software. After the installation of the Linux operating system, the computers undergo the booting process. The scree that is likely similar to that of the windows system will be displayed, whereby the user will be required to key in login details to access the system. The login details of employees that have been saved in the organization’s database would still be used to access the new system and additional details imputed if required to increase security.
IP Addressing
The IP addressing process would be conducted manually to recover aspects the internet use and general files sharing by configuring the computer’s network tab. The manually provided address and other configurations provided in the server will be retrieved by the Linux system, which can retrieve IP addresses from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server or accept the manually provided addresses (Testout, 2017). Manual IP addressing can be conducted by individuals using the new Linux system by right-clicking the network icon in the desktop notification area, then selecting the network device that displays the ten-digit number that is the computer IP address.
File Access
DNS Access by the DTDG Systems
Proper configuration of the DNS system in Linux should involve either default r manual settings. The default settings should be capable to look up names, hosts, and bind them procedurally. The DNS should be pointed to appropriately as per the name tables in the resource used meaning the security and the destination of IP address must be matched correctly to avoid unauthorized information and file access. The configuration must also ensure that the daemon named run appropriately to ensure conflict in resource sharing does not occur avoiding the possibility of deadlock. Therefore, any changes that are made in DNS tables settings would result in an automatic restart of the DNS server to pick up the settings. A network connection would be required for the Linux computer to aces the DNS network and selecting an appropriate system connection (Pott, 2007). The types of system connections available that are wired and wireless include IPv4 or IPv6; hence, the user should select either IPv4 or IPv6 tab based on the subscription of the user. The automatic address will allow the DNS to be connected automatically to the user computer and saved allowing access to the address of the computer for internet connectivity.

File Access on the Network by DTDG Systems
On the Linux system, data sharing is conducted through a standard resource sharing holder that is either set up on a cloud or server. The information that is sensitive and confidential is configured to restrict access to only individuals authorized. The information shared in the organization is stored in shared folders and accessed by employees through their computers. In the organization, the DTDG group will access the files remotely since the files are organized into folders and shred across networks. The file manager option connection in the Linux system will allow all users to connect to the network to access the shared files. However, the user would have to provide authorization credentials to access the files due to the authentication provided to the user by the server. The users in the DTDG group should open Nautilus and click the network icon to access the files shared over a network. The display of various servers and networks would be provided upon clicking the network icon depending on the user access authority. The user will then select a server from the list and enter the necessary authorization if required to view the information.
Secure File Sharing Between DTDG and Selected Users in the Company.
Security is one of the most important aspects of a business organization. Therefore, the organization should ensure maximum restraint is provided to secure prospects against unwanted access. The Linux operating system offers various ways of securing files that would be often shared between individuals or workgroups in the organization. For instance, the Nautilus system of Linux supports file sharing protocols such as FTP, SSH, web day, and SMB that provide secure data sharing over a network connection (Woerner, 2018). The Linux operating system also has enhanced security measures such as alerts that provide notification when a non-permissive attribute is noted; ensuring correct data is accessed by the right users in the network and at the required computer.
DTDG’s 500 client computers can be configured in groups to use the same printer. To enable several computers to use the same printer, the printer is added to the network and installed to every computer connected to the network as a network printer (Joshi, 2016). The procedure for the user to install the network printer on Linux computer includes clicking the administration option on the System icon, the user will then select printing o the choices provided on the window. The user should then click on the option to search for a new printer that appears, which will then bring up printer option or LDP. The user enters the user ID and the queue details in the dialogue option provided allowing the computer to search for drivers and there I n option, the user selects the printing drivers to be used, and the computer synchronizes with the selected printer to complete the network printer configuration process.
Data Encryption
The most organization today applies data encryption since it allows them to store information without worrying about external access. The encryption mostly involves the implementation of a firewall capable to prevent or control the loss or flow of the organization data out or in an unwanted way. Linux system provides various data encryption and decryption technologies that can be applied by the organization (Ayoo & Lubega, 2014). Some of the encryption mechanism that should be applied by the organization includes the loopback component of Linux software that encrypts files and decrypts them at the same time, allowing the technicians to undo data encryption (Beltov, 2017). Another type of encryption that is proposed is the stacked file system encryption which allows all files written to an encrypted location to be secured on-the-fly before it is written to the disk. The staked file system encryption also allows data to be encrypted automatically, whenever a read operation is executed during the data access.
Methods and Design Study
Both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies will be utilized in the study. The study will incorporate statistical methods that would be presented in quantitative research methodologies such as the views from users and numerical data concerning the historical and current performance of Linux, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 operating systems, which will be graphically presented. The qualitative data in the research study would include research interviews and surveys.
The Windows hardware components that Dura Technology currently has can accommodate the Linux operating systems. The installation of the Linux operating system, which is not as dense as when compared to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, will allow the computer to operate faster and efficiently. Linux also comes with a more user-friendly interface compared to Windows, saves time to install, and its automatic installation method allows the professionals to select additional packages for installation or removal. With improved security provision compared to Windows and other connectivity features provided by Linux systems, it makes Linux operating system the best for Dura Technology to install in their computers.

Ayoo, P. & Lubega, J. (2014). A Framework for e-Learning Resources Sharing. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 112-119.
Beltov, M. (2017). Overview of Linux Encryption Methods. Best Security Search. Retrieved from
Joshi, P. (2016). Implementing Firewall using IP Tables in Linux. International Journal of Engineering Trends In science And Technology.
Pott, K. (2007, August 13). Mount a Windows shared folder in Linux. Life Hacker. Retrieved from
Testout. (2017, August 06). Chapter 5 Software Installation.
The Linux. (2019). What Is Linux? Retrieved from
Woerner, R. (2018, August 28). How to Harden Unix/Linux Systems & Close Security Gaps. Beyond Trust. Retrieved from

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