Book Summary 1
Please write a three-page summary on Chapter 1 of Christianity: An introduction (Required Textbook: McGrath, Alister E., Christianity: An Introduction. 3rd ed.; Oxford: Blackwell, 2015.). Minimum 800 words (400 words summary, 400 words reflection)
Please do not use direct quotation of the book.
*References should follow the APA 6th or APA 7th edition
1st Book Summary
Please produce a three-page synopsis of Christianity: An Introduction, Chapter 1. (Required Textbook: McGrath, Alister E., Christianity: An Introduction. 3rd ed.; Oxford: Blackwell, 2015.). a minimum of 800 words (400 words summary, 400 words reflection)
Please refrain from using straight quotations from the book.
*References should adhere to the APA 6th or 7th edition.