 Contains 10 pages, not including title and reference pages
 Times New Roman, 12-point font
 Current APA format
 At least 20 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals are cited (less than 5 years old)
 A title page that includes:
 Running head (left aligned) and a page number (right-aligned)
 Course number and name
 Title
 Date submitted
 “Respectfully submitted to (Instructor’s Name)”
 Abstract (in block format)
 Content of your topic and/or paper
 Provides a Biblical foundation for the topic as related to the healthcare industry
 Integrate concepts from the textbook that are related to your topic.
 Discuss the major issues related to the selected topic.
 Provide an Assessment of applicable employment legislation as related to the topic.
 Include an analysis of the topic as applied to the healthcare organization.
 Uses in-text citations in current APA format to credit sources listed on the reference
page as appropriate
 Conclusion
 References

Succession Planning: Challenges in Healthcare.

 Contains 10 pages, not including title and reference pages
 Times New Roman, 12-point font
 Current APA format
 At least 20 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals are cited (less than 5 years old)
 A title page that includes:
 Running head (left aligned) and a page number (right-aligned)
 Course number and name
 Title
 Date submitted
 “Respectfully submitted to (Instructor’s Name)”
 Abstract (in block format)
 Content of your topic and/or paper
 Provides a Biblical foundation for the topic as related to the healthcare industry
 Integrate concepts from the textbook that are related to your topic.
 Discuss the major issues related to the selected topic.
 Provide an Assessment of applicable employment legislation as related to the topic.
 Include an analysis of the topic as applied to the healthcare organization.
 Uses in-text citations in current APA format to credit sources listed on the reference
page as appropriate
 Conclusion
 References
 Contains 10 pages, not including title and reference pages
 Times New Roman, 12-point font
 Current APA format
 At least 20 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals are cited (less than 5 years old)
 A title page that includes:
 Running head (left aligned) and a page number (right-aligned)
 Course number and name
 Title
 Date submitted
 “Respectfully submitted to (Instructor’s Name)”
 Abstract (in block format)
 Content of your topic and/or paper
 Provides a Biblical foundation for the topic as related to the healthcare industry
 Integrate concepts from the textbook that are related to your topic.
 Discuss the major issues related to the selected topic.
 Provide an Assessment of applicable employment legislation as related to the topic.
 Include an analysis of the topic as applied to the healthcare organization.
 Uses in-text citations in current APA format to credit sources listed on the reference
page as appropriate
 Conclusion
 References


Healthcare Succession Planning: Obstacles



There are ten pages in all, not including the title and reference pages.

12-point Times New Roman font

The most recent APA format

There are at least 20 citations to scientific works from peer-reviewed journals (less than 5 years old)


A title page that provides the following information:

A running head (aligned to the left) and a page number (right-aligned)

Number and name of the course

The title is

Submitted date

“Regardingly submitted to (Instructor’s Name)”

Observation (in block format)

Your topic’s and/or paper’s content

 Provides a Biblical foundation for the topic as related to the healthcare industry

 Integrate concepts from the textbook that are related to your topic.

 Discuss the major issues related to the selected topic.

 Provide an Assessment of applicable employment legislation as related to the topic.

 Include an analysis of

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