Lesson 11 Discussion
Please review the readings and consider the following in your discussion post:
· Please share your thoughts after reviewing the readings.
· Research the conservatorship/guardianship requirements for older adults in your state and provide a brief summary of the information you found.
A minimum of 220 words or one page.
Lesson 11 Readings
How to Get Guardianship of an Elderly Parent- https://www.agingcare.com/articles/how-to-get-guardianship-of-elderly-parents-140693.htm
Conservatorship and Guardianship- https://www.caregiver.org/resource/conservatorship-and-guardianship/
Clinician’s Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers- https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/812228_cliniciansguidetoolderdrivers.pdf
Lesson 12 Discussion
Please review the readings and consider the following in your discussion post:
· What do you know about the elder abuse laws in your state?
· Do older adults have the right to live unsafely if they choose?
· How can elder abuse be prevented?
· What did you learn about self-neglect relating to older adults?
· What is the role of a Social Worker in preventing elder abuse and ensuring the safety of older adults?
A minimum of 220 words or one page.
Lesson 12 Readings
Elder Abuse- https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/elder-abuse
Preventing Elder Abuse- https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/elderabuse/fastfact.html
The Hidden Dangers of Elder Self Neglect- https://www.agingcare.com/articles/the-hidden-dangers-of-elder-self-neglect-146760.htm
Lesson 11 Discussion
Define and discuss bullying – do you think bullying is worse than it was when you were in primary school? What contributing factors have caused bullying to increase? What solution do you believe can help stop bullying in a school setting?
A minimum of 220 words or one page.
Lesson 11 Discussion
Discuss why evidence shows that humans have a fundamental need to belong to groups. What may happen to a person if they have no affiliation with a group? Is there anything positive about having no group affiliation or does it only consist of negative consequences?
A minimum of 220 words or one page.
Lesson 12 Discussion
Consider a time when you were in a type of social dilemma, perhaps with friends or family. How did your self-concern and other concern lead you to resolve the dilemma?
A minimum of 220 words or one page.
Discussion of Lesson 11
Please go over the readings again and include the following in your discussion post:
Please share your comments after going over the readings.
Investigate the conservatorship/guardianship criteria for older individuals in your state and offer a brief description of what you discover.
A minimum of 220 words or one page is required.
Readings for Lesson 11
Conservatorship and Guardianship (https://www.caregiver.org/resource/conservatorship-and-guardianship/)
Clinician’s Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers- https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/812228_cliniciansguidetoolderdrivers.pdf
Discussion of Lesson 12
Please go over the readings again and include the following in your discussion post:
· What do you know about the elder abuse laws in your state?
· Do older adults have the right to live unsafely if they choose?
· How can elder abuse