Title: Advanced Apologetics Course Overview
Week 1
As indicated in your text book and any other sources, briefly describe the following:
a). Nature of apologetics, including the purpose and limits. Apologetics seeks to defend and commend the Christian faith using reason and evidence. It aims to remove intellectual obstacles to belief and provide positive reasons for accepting Christianity.
THE504: Advanced Apologetics
Online Syllabus
I. Introduction
Welcome to the online THE504: Advanced Apologetics course at National Bible College & Seminary! You and I are definitely making and living history for the college. I am thrilled that you decided to enroll for the course. This course offers an in-depth exploration of apologetics, equipping students with the tools and knowledge to engage with contemporary challenges to Christianity. We will delve into various apologetic approaches and examine their strengths and weaknesses.
II. Organization
This is a 16-week Course that will be covered in four parts. Part 1: Apologetics and commitment, Part 2: Commitment to God, Part 3: Commitment to God in Christ and finally Part 4: Contemporary Challenges to Christian Commitment. Each part builds upon the previous one, progressively developing a comprehensive understanding of apologetics and its application to Christian commitment. Active participation and engagement with the course materials are essential for success.
Weekly assignments will be due every Monday at 11.59pm. Timely submission of assignments is crucial for maintaining a good standing in the course. Please plan your study schedule accordingly to ensure you meet the deadlines.
III. Textbooks
The Holy Bible
Introducing Apologetics by James E. Taylor. These texts will serve as the primary resources for the course, providing foundational knowledge and diverse perspectives on apologetics. Supplemental readings may be assigned throughout the course.
IV. Course Evaluation
Assignments 40% (Weekly)
Mid Term 30% (End of week 8)
Final Exam 30% (Week 16) The grading structure emphasizes consistent effort throughout the semester, with weekly assignments contributing a significant portion of the final grade. Both the midterm and final exams will assess your understanding of the course material.
V. Course Plan
Week 1-4 PART I: Apologetics and Commitment
Week 5-8 PART II: Commitment to God
Week 9-12 PART III: Commitment to God in Christ
Week 13-16 PART IV: Contemporary Challenges to Christian Commitment This structured plan outlines the progression of topics throughout the 16 weeks, ensuring a systematic exploration of apologetics and its relationship to Christian commitment. Each part focuses on a specific aspect, allowing for a deeper understanding of the overall subject matter.
THE504: Advanced Apologetics
Online Syllabus
I. Introduction
Welcome to the online THE504: Advanced Apologetics course at National Bible College & Seminary! You and I are definitely making and living history for the college. This course is designed to challenge your understanding and equip you with essential apologetic tools. I am thrilled that you decided to enroll for the course.
II. Organization
This is a 16-week Course that will be covered in four parts. Part 1: Apologetics and commitment, Part 2: Commitment to God, Part 3: Commitment to God in Christ and finally Part 4: Contemporary Challenges to Christian Commitment. Each part will delve into key theological and philosophical arguments that shape Christian belief. Weekly assignments will be due every Monday at 11.59 pm.
III. Textbooks
The Holy Bible
Introducing Apologetics by James E. Taylor.
These resources will provide foundational knowledge and support your learning throughout the course.
IV. Course Evaluation
Assignments 40% (Weekly)
Mid-Term 30% (End of Week 8)
Final Exam 30% (Week 16)
Regular engagement with course materials will be crucial for success in assessments.
V. Course Plan
Week 1-4: PART I – Apologetics and Commitment
Week 5-8: PART II – Commitment to God
Week 9-12: PART III – Commitment to God in Christ
Week 13-16: PART IV – Contemporary Challenges to Christian Commitment
Each section is structured to build on the previous one, ensuring a progressive deepening of understanding.
“THE504: Advanced Apologetics – Course Overview & Study Guide”