Analyze the video in the Readings and Resources section showing the development of play and conversational skills between Becket’s classroom of 2 1/2 year olds and Mrs. Kilmer’s 4 year olds. Note the growth in pragmatics skills. When discussing language, share whether you see elements of contingent speech (topic maintenance), presuppositions (adapting to the listeners knowledge and TOM), directives and requests (direct vs. indirect), and increasing number and types of intentions and role- play. Give specific examples of contingent speech, presuppositions, directives, requests, and role-play. How does the environment influence pragmatic interactions? Identify other strategies instructors/caregivers can employ to facilitate pragmatic growth.
Last Day At His First School
Mrs Kilmer’s 4yr old class Playtime
Analyze the video in the Readings and Resources area that shows the development of play and conversational skills in Becket’s 2 1/2 year old classroom and Mrs. Kilmer’s 4 year old classroom. Take note of the improvement in pragmatics skills. Share whether you see features of contingent communication (topic maintenance), presuppositions (adapting to the listener’s knowledge and TOM), directions and requests (direct vs. indirect), and an expanding number and varieties of intentions and role-playing when discussing language. Provide examples of contingent communication, presuppositions, instructions, requests, and role-playing. What effect does the environment have on pragmatic interactions? Identify additional ways that instructors/caregivers can use to promote pragmatic growth.
His Last Day of First Grade
Mrs. Kilmer’s 4-year-old class had a playtime.