Week 5 – Technology Paper
Best Practices: An Executive Summary Paper:
A maximum 2-page Executive Summary with content that addresses how technology has contributed to how HR has changed, particularly given the COVID Pandemic.
You will be graded on your ability to incorporate what you have learned so far from the in-class lecture, your assignments to date, and thoroughness in satisfying the content request described above.
Must cite references in APA format.
General answers without specific examples may result in a lower grade.
Week 4 – Steps of the Recruiting Process
What are the 4 steps in the recruiting process and why are they important?
Week 5 – Paper on Technology
An Executive Summary Paper on Best Practices:
A maximum 2-page Executive Summary with content that discusses how technology has influenced how HR has evolved, especially in light of the COVID Pandemic.
You’ll be judged on your ability to apply what you’ve learned so far from the in-class lecture, your previous assignments, and your thoroughness in meeting the content request outlined above.
References must be cited in APA format.
A lower mark may be given for general answers without specific examples.
Week 4 – The Recruiting Process Steps
What are the four steps in the hiring process, and why are they significant?