Foundation of Nursing Practice Essay

Foundation of nursing practice is one of the main courses taught to nursing students to aspire to become professional practice nurses. The course teaches the students practical skills and enables them to learn, understand, improve, and appreciate the core values of the nursing profession like empathy, compassion, and respect. This ensures that a nurse gains a holistic understanding of every patient, which improves nursing care delivery. If you are a nursing student, you must be prepared to write an essay on the foundations of nursing practice.

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Study Notes:
Foundation of Nursing Practice

Nursing is a profession that combines art and science, heart and mind, to provide holistic care for individuals, families and communities in various settings and situations. Nursing is based on a set of values, knowledge and skills that guide the practice of nurses and enable them to meet the diverse and complex needs of their patients. In this blog post, we will explore the history and foundation of nursing practice, the core concepts and principles that underpin it, and the current trends and challenges that shape it.

History and Foundation of Nursing Practice

The history of nursing can be traced back to ancient times, when people cared for their sick or injured relatives or neighbors, often using natural remedies or spiritual practices. However, nursing as a formal profession emerged in the 19th century, largely influenced by the work of Florence Nightingale, who is considered to be the founder of modern nursing practice. In 1860 she established the first nursing school in the world at St Thomas’ Hospital in London, England. By establishing this school of nursing, Nightingale promoted the concept of nurses as a professional, educated workforce of caregivers for the sick. She also introduced standards of hygiene, sanitation and nutrition in hospitals, which reduced mortality rates and improved patient outcomes. Nightingale also advocated for social reform and public health policies that addressed the root causes of disease and poverty (1).

Since then, nursing has evolved and expanded in response to the changing needs of society and health care systems. Nursing has developed various specialties, such as pediatrics, geriatrics, mental health, oncology, critical care, community health, etc., to cater to the specific needs of different populations and settings. Nursing has also embraced evidence-based practice, which means using the best available research evidence, clinical expertise and patient preferences to guide decision making and interventions. Nursing has also incorporated technology, such as electronic health records, telehealth, simulation and informatics, to enhance communication, documentation, education and quality improvement. Nursing has also become more diverse and inclusive, reflecting the cultural backgrounds and values of both nurses and patients (2).

Core Concepts and Principles of Nursing Practice

Nursing practice is guided by a set of core concepts and principles that define the essence and purpose of nursing. These include:

– Person: The person is the central focus of nursing care. The person can be an individual, a family or a community. The person is viewed as a holistic being with physical, psychological, social, spiritual and cultural dimensions. The person has inherent dignity, worth and autonomy, and has the right to participate in decisions affecting their health and well-being (3).
– Environment: The environment is the context in which nursing care takes place. The environment can be internal or external, physical or social, natural or human-made. The environment influences and is influenced by the person’s health status, behavior and outcomes. The environment can be modified or adapted by nursing interventions to promote health and prevent illness (4).
– Health: Health is a dynamic state of well-being that encompasses physical, mental and social aspects. Health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a positive state of optimal functioning and quality of life. Health is influenced by multiple factors, such as genetics, lifestyle, culture,
environmental conditions etc., that interact in complex ways. Health is also subjective
and relative to each person’s expectations and values (5).
– Nursing: Nursing is the protection, promotion and optimization of health
and abilities; prevention of illness and injury; alleviation of suffering through
the diagnosis and treatment of human responses; advocacy in health care for
individuals, families communities, and populations (6). Nursing is both an art
and a science that requires critical thinking, judgment, caring, and compassion.
Nursing is based on a body of knowledge that is derived from theory, research
and practice. Nursing is regulated by ethical codes, laws, and standards that
ensure accountability, responsibility, and quality. Nursing is practiced in
collaboration with other health professionals, and with respect for diversity
and cultural competence (7).

Current Trends and Challenges in Nursing Practice

Nursing practice is constantly evolving to meet the emerging trends
and challenges in health care, society, and the world. Some of these trends
and challenges include:

– Aging population: The proportion of older adults (65 years or older) in
the world population is increasing, due to improved life expectancy
and declining fertility rates. This poses significant challenges for
nursing, such as increased demand for chronic disease management,
geriatric care, palliative care, and long-term care; increased risk for
elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation; increased need for gerontological
education, research, and leadership; and increased need for intergenerational
and interprofessional collaboration (8).
– Global health: The world is becoming more interconnected and interdependent,
due to globalization, migration, travel,and trade. This creates
opportunities and challenges for nursing, such as increased exposure to
and transmission of infectious diseases; increased awareness and
advocacy for global health issues,such as poverty,hunger,violence,
climate change, and human rights; increased need for cultural
sensitivity,competence, and humility; increased need for international
nursing education,research,and practice; and increased need for global
nursing leadership and collaboration (9).
– Health care reform: The health care system is undergoing major changes,
due to political,economic, and social forces. This affects nursing in various
ways,such as increased emphasis on primary care,prevention, and
wellness; increased focus on quality,safety, and outcomes; increased
use of technology,informatics, and innovation; increased demand for
access,affordability, and equity; increased need for health policy,literacy,
and advocacy;and increased need for nursing education,research, and
practice that are responsive,flexible, and adaptable to the changing
health care environment (10).


Nursing is a dynamic and diverse profession that has a rich history and a strong foundation. Nursing is guided by core concepts and principles that shape the practice of nurses and the care of patients. Nursing is also influenced by current trends and challenges that require nurses to be competent, compassionate, and committed to lifelong learning and improvement. Nursing is a rewarding and fulfilling career that offers many opportunities and possibilities for personal and professional growth.

Works Cited

(1) Hogston, Richard, and Penelope M. Simpson. Foundations of Nursing Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, 1999.

(2) Brooker, Chris, and Anne Waugh. Foundations of Nursing Practice: Fundamentals of Holistic Care. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013.

(3) Potter, Patricia A., et al. Fundamentals of Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2016.

(4) Taylor, Carol Lillis, et al. Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019.

(5) World Health Organization. Constitution of the World Health Organization. World Health Organization, 1948.

(6) American Nurses Association. Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice. American Nurses Association, 2015.

(7) International Council of Nurses. The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses. International Council of Nurses, 2012.

(8) World Health Organization. Ageing and Health. World Health Organization, 2018. research essay writing service.

(9) World Health Organization. Global Health Overview. World Health Organization, 2020.

(10) American Nurses Association. Health Care Reform Overview. American Nurses Association, 2020.

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