Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan

Impaired gas exchange is a condition that causes an increase or decrease in oxygenation in an individual. The condition is associated with other health conditions including pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (West 364). The care plan is meant to regulate the oxygenation since excess oxygen or carbon dioxide is not healthy for body organs. The nursing care plan consists of both long term and short term goals. The short term patient outcomes include ensuring the patient is alert and awake, maintain normal arterial blood gas, and demonstrating normal rate and patterns of respiration (Modabbernia 1848). On the other hand, the nursing care plan is to ensure a patient can maintain optimal gas exchange. The nursing care will comprise interventions and Assessments which ensure optimal gas exchange and prevent complications emanating from the impaired gas exchange.

The care plan will comprise of various interventions meant to assess the severity of the condition. For example, it will the quality, pattern, depth and breathing effort of the respiration. On the other hand, the Assessment will include checking signs of distress, the quality of arterial blood gas, and normal rates of respiration (West 366). The care plan is also meant to assess for the life-threatening problems such as sucking chest wound, flail chest, and respiratory arrest. During the Assessment a nurse will check the chest wall abnormalities, patterns of breathing and dyspnea. Additionally, the Assessment can also check the free signs of hypoxia and clear sound of the lungs (Oliveira, Ana and Isabel 115). The heart rate should be between 60 to 100 while respiratory rate should be between 10 to 20. Therefore, impaired has exchange care plan is crucial since it focuses on helping a patient to full recovery. The assessments and Assessments are meant to provide emergency care and identify the progress during the treatment period and interventions to be taken.

The nursing care plan has specific patient outcomes that should be realized in the end. The outcomes include attaining normal arterial blood gas levels, absence of respiratory distress, improved gas exchange process, and free of respiratory infections (West 367). The care plan should comprise interventions that should be made to ensure the patient is Helped to attain full recovery. Additionally, it is important to treat the main cause of the impaired gas exchange such as pneumonia (Oliveira, Ana and Isabel 113). Impaired as an exchange care plan is important for patients to help them attain optimal oxygenation levels in their bodies.

Works Cited

Modabbernia, Amirhossein. “Impaired gas exchange at birth and risk of intellectual disability and autism: a meta-analysis.” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46.5 (2016): 1847-1859.

Oliveira Jeronymo, Ana Carolina, and Isabel Cruz. “The recommended care for critical patients with nursing diagnosis impaired gas exchange-Systematic Literature Review.” Journal of Specialized Nursing Care 7.1 (2015): 112-158

West, John B. “A new, noninvasive method of measuring impaired pulmonary gas exchange in lung disease: an outpatient study.” Chest 154.2 (2018): 363-369.

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