The Best way to tackle a Patient Safety in Nursing Essay

More often than not students are asked to write a patient safety in nursing essay. In order to write an impressive essay you must demonstrate that you understand this whole concept of nursing. Apart from this, you ought to prove that you can write in a clear and scholarly manner. Generally, the term patient safety refers the various measures that are put in place to ensure that patients do not suffer harm as a result of avoidable errors while they are under the care of nurses. This term also implies that the nurses have the greatest responsibility of ensuring that patients are kept from the way of harm as they are the ones that spend most of the times with them. Notably if effective measures are not put in place to ensure patient safety, then the patients are likely to: suffer from permanent injuries, stay longer in hospitals or even die.

Whenever you are required to write a patient safety essay the first step that you make should be to keenly read the issued writing instructions. Once you understand the kind of an essay that you are supposed to write you should proceed to brainstorming. The purpose of doing so is getting the relevant ideas that you can use in your essay. Some of the key areas that you ought to focus on are how staffing and nurses’ working conditions affect the safety of the patients.

You should be sure to review the different studies that focus on how the ratio of nurses to patients influences the delivery of safe care to the patients. The qualification of nurses also is an important factor to consider. Also how well trained they are determines the quality of care that they offer to the patients. The working condition of the nurses is also another area that your essay on patient safety in nursing might want to focus on. It is arguably true that the; healthcare systems, technology and facilities available influences the safety of the patients. Once you have gathered enough information you should go a step further and start create an outline of your essay. This is followed by writing the first draft of your essay. The last step that you ought to take is revising, editing and proofreading the final copy of your essay to make sure that it is easy to read and understand. It is important to note that you must also be sure to correctly reference your patient safety in nursing essay.
Study Bay Notes:
Patient Safety in Nursing: How to Tackle the Issue

Patient safety is a crucial aspect of nursing practice that aims to prevent harm, errors, and adverse events for patients in health care settings. According to the World Health Organization, patient safety is “the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care and reduction of risk of unnecessary harm associated with health care to an acceptable minimum” (WHO). However, achieving patient safety is not an easy task, as it involves multiple factors, such as human, organizational, environmental, and technological elements. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to tackle the issue of patient safety in nursing and how to improve the quality and safety of care for patients.

One of the best ways to tackle the issue of patient safety in nursing is to adopt a culture of safety in health care organizations. A culture of safety is “a set of values, beliefs, and norms that support and encourage safe practices among health care workers and between health care workers and patients” (Hughes). A culture of safety promotes transparency, accountability, teamwork, communication, learning, and improvement. It also encourages reporting and analyzing errors and near misses, rather than blaming or punishing individuals. A culture of safety can be fostered by providing leadership support, staff training, feedback mechanisms, and recognition and rewards for safe practices.

Another way to tackle the issue of patient safety in nursing is to use evidence-based practice (EBP) in clinical decision making. EBP is “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” (Sackett et al.). EBP involves integrating the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient preferences and values. EBP can help nurses to provide high-quality and safe care that is based on the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge. EBP can be implemented by using systematic reviews, clinical guidelines, protocols, algorithms, and decision support tools.

A third way to tackle the issue of patient safety in nursing is to employ technology and informatics in health care delivery. Technology and informatics are “the use of electronic systems to gather, monitor, analyze, and communicate information related to health care” (McGonigle and Mastrian). Technology and informatics can enhance patient safety by improving access to information, facilitating communication and coordination, reducing errors and duplication, increasing efficiency and effectiveness, and supporting quality improvement initiatives. Technology and informatics can be applied by using electronic health records, computerized provider order entry systems, bar code medication administration systems, smart infusion pumps, clinical decision support systems, telehealth services, and simulation training.

These are some of the best ways to tackle the issue of patient safety in nursing. By adopting a culture of safety, using evidence-based practice, and employing technology and informatics, nurses can improve the quality and safety of care for patients and prevent harm, errors, and adverse events. Patient safety is a shared responsibility that requires collaboration among health care professionals, organizations, patients, families, and communities.

Works Cited

Hughes RG. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2008.

McGonigle D., Mastrian K.G. Nursing Informatics And The Foundation Of Knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2017.

Sackett DL., Rosenberg WM., Gray JA., Haynes RB., Richardson WS. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t. BMJ 1996;312(7023):71-2.

World Health Organization. Patient Safety. Accessed 30 Oct 2023.

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