What you need to know about writing a Zika Virus Essay

Zika virus is one of the viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Bites from Aedes mosquitoes leads to the transmission of this virus. This virus can also be sexually transmitted by the infected person to his partner. Moreover, pregnant women who are infected by this virus can transmit it to their unborn babies.  This virus was first identified in monkeys in Uganda in 1947.  Five years later it was discovered to have infected humans.  The disease was also discovered in Tanzania. Since then, Africa, Asia, Pacific and the Americas have been recording its outbreak. The country that has recorded the outbreak of this infection in the recent past is Brazil in the year 2015. As a student pursuing a course in medical sciences, you might be required to write a Zika virus essay.

The process of working on this type of an essay should begin by making a deliberate attempt to understand the question that you are supposed to work on. There are different aspects of Zika virus that you can focus on depending on the question that you are expected to work on which include: the history of this virus, the predisposing factors, signs and symptoms of an infected person, preventing measures that can be put in place and effects of the infection of this virus on the health of the infected person among others. Once you understand what you are supposed to do, you should go a step further and start looking for relevant ideas that you can include in your Zika virus essay.

It is good to note that the process of working on your Zika virus essay becomes significantly easier once you have identified the points that you can include in it. It is always advisable to make sure that you derive your ideas from credible sources of information. This is because you do not want to include information that is not scientifically correct in your paper. Most importantly, you are supposed to make sure that your essay on Zika virus is well cited. This is because failure to do so amounts to plagiarism. A paper that does not contain citations is also not authoritative. It is also good to note that you are expected to write this type of a paper using the correct structure. It then follows that you risk scoring a poor grade if you overlook the importance of properly formatting your essay on Zika virus.

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