Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure DQ 3
Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure DQ 3

Read and answer: Read the Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure report (available on UTS Online). When reading the report consider how security screening staff at airports watch thousands of people each day pass through X-ray machines. To do their job well, they must maintain high levels of concentration on each and every item and person being scrutinised, without relaxing their standards or daydreaming for even one second. Question: How might these employees be motivated to provide the security that travel threats now demand? Upload your response to the question (approx. 150 words) to Turnitin prior to your allocated tutorial time


DQ 3: National Infrastructure Protection Centre
DQ 3: National Infrastructure Protection Centre

Read and respond to the following questions: Read the report from the National Infrastructure Protection Center (available on UTS Online). Consider how security screening employees at airports see thousands of people pass through X-ray machines every day as you read the report. To do their work properly, they must keep intense concentration on each and every item and person under scrutiny, never lowering their standards or daydreaming for even a second. Question: What could drive these personnel to provide the level of protection that today’s travel dangers necessitate? Before your scheduled tutorial time, upload your response to the question (about 150 words) to Turnitin.

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