Child Abuse And Maltreatment
Assignment 6
Child Abuse And Maltreatment Assignment 6
Child abuse and maltreatment in children of school-age years.
School age years is described as from 6 to 12 years of age. The
types of abuse commonly seen among children of school age
years are: Neglect, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and
sexual abuse. The warning signs and physical and emotional
assessment findings that the nurse may see that could indicate
child abuse are: The child looks unkempt, he is fearful, unhappy,
and withdrawn, he does not go to school or is always late at
school and sleeps while the class is going on and is uninterested
at his surroundings, he is small for age and there are bruises and
fractures at different stages of healing, and the care takers
explanations are twisted. (Shaw 2018)
Different cultural health practices that can be misidentified as
child abuse is rebuking a child when he does something wrong,
flogging or spanking a child to correct disobedience, or even
female circumcision as the people that practice it believe it will
cub promiscuity, others are like sending children to sell or fetch
water. While this holds sway in some countries, it is regarded as
child abuse in orders. (Jenni 2018)
The reporting mechanism in my state Kentucky and the nurse
responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse
is that if it is suspected a child is being abused or neglected,
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