Commerce Clause and Role It Plays in Development of Effective Policies Discussion
Commerce Clause and Role It Plays in Development of Effective Policies Discussion
Prompt: (1) Explain the Commerce Clause and the role it plays in the development of effective policies. Include a brief discussion of the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Gibbons v. Ogden as it relates to the Commerce Clause. (2) Using the research tools you learned in Unit 1, identify another U.S. Supreme Court case dealing with the Commerce Clause. Briefly explain the question of law in that case, and how the U.S. Supreme Court applied the Commerce Clause in that case.
Requirements: Minimum of 750 words in proper APA format and must include biblical interpretation.
Class book: Fandl, K. J. (2019). Law and public policy. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0815373742

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