company stemming from their strategy
Propose a corporate strategy for Kakira Sugar Works that will apply for the next 10 years. Submit a report of 2500 words (± 10%): Critically assess the competitive advantage of the company stemming from their strategy: • Use the tools taught during the term to identify and evaluate the factors that contribute to their competitive advantage. • Develop issues pertinent to Kakira Sugar Works in the light of the success factors developed in Task 1. Do not repeat any of your prior analyses (750 words) Develop a proposal in the light of the Above
• Prioritise the issues and select two of them. • Develop at least three options relevant for the corporate strategy. • Assess these options as taught and create a proposal. • Identify your final choice and discuss the impact it could have on at least three stakeholder groups. (750 words) Reflect on the how stages you have undertaken for this assessment have contributed insights that informed your proposal and why they were needed in order to ensure your proposal is robust. Make sure you demonstrate your understanding of the purpose of the taught processes. (700 words)
Please note
The above word counts are recommendations. They are 300 words short of the full wordcount for the report to accommodate the need for a concise introduction and conclusion. The overall wordcount should be observed ± 10%. We will stop marking at this point when scripts exceed this. Your report should be organised under appropriate sub headings and should contain no more than three tables used for the assessment of the strategy. If you do use tables, they should be formatted with care and you should not create a table with too many columns. They should be easy to read.