Concepts of leadership structures in workfront organization.
Leadership structures define the triumph or failure of an institution. The technique adopted by a profit oriented company and nonprofit organizations to accomplish and implement viable advantages in pursuing corporate excellence plays a vital role in overall performance. Portraying the leadership guidelines in means availed to run and institute the changes, innovations and rewarding the members, people entrusted with management position plays a significant role in directing an organization in achieving merit. Leadership demands showing unequivocal decision making traits, discipline, and ability in resolving disputes and developing innovative notions of running a firm. The purpose of the essay is to depict the conceptions of leadership configurations in relation to America military legion has aided in expediting its mandate in affording social services to war veterans, illuminating and addressing their plight, availing a platform to interact with their peers and rewarding distinguished service to the united states armed forces. Hence ascertain its conformity with leadership theories. Still, the article will highlight how the management policies advanced America legion organization that have positive and viable influences that leaders partake in ensuring innovation and transformation in regard to attaining their objectives.
The American military legion (AML) is a charitable and nonaligned in political inclinations organization extending membership to retired war veterans and servicemen. Initially established to offer morale and reward distinguished discharged soldiers service for protecting Americans interest in armed conflicts and ensuring tranquility prevails. The affiliation organization was commissioned and assimilated by the legislature in 1919 as veteran’s service organization. Currently the membership has vastly developed to attain membership of more than two million distinguished affiliates.
Significantly the organization has been credited with advocating the welfares of veterans in local settings to initiating widespread changes and attaining impressive social, economic support to aid in eradicating the complications retired soldier’s faces such as injuries in combat duty. Moreover, the nonprofit organization has achieved great success producing ten American presidents and other top ranked military and public servants more than any other American organization. Attributed to the impressive members conduct, urge to serve US nation, consummate patriotism and depicting courage in the face of adversity.
Leadership competency theory
There are numerous concepts that guides the management strategy of a nonprofit entity for instance the leadership competency theory, great man theory, contingency concept, behavior concept classical and servant leadership theory. This article describe the leadership competency theory in relation to veteran’s service org. The notion of competency model is based on application of effective skills in interchangeably diverse departments in a welfare group. Understanding an individual role required in executing tasks competently is the key component of leadership skills. Leadership competency is widely applicable in diverse ranks of administration in AML. The duties of chief executive officers are clearly outlined which includes directing the policies to be adopted in sales and customer satisfaction, ensuring competent human resources, chairing the annual meetings of departmental staffs, incorporating innovative technological concepts in operations, availing the necessary financial resources to enable supply, and demand of commodities and addressing the conflicts while offering solution to concerns that affect the workfront firm.
In addition, the competency concepts is explained as the ability of a person to assume and execute responsibilities with minimal supervision effectively. Overtime researchers have stressed the necessity of inclusion of the theory in leadership roles of an institution and individual since is credited with overall performance in a company. Through a series of acute implemented policies, theorist such as Mumford and Katz have suggested the implementation of the competency philosophy in solving concerns. Further the scholars advance that operative leadership comprises skills, acquaintance, and expertise. The philosophy of competency is characterized by numerous intricacies of quality leadership. Hence focusing on competency among staffs and leadership ranks afford a significant and strategic advantage bearing in mind of the competitive nature of the business environment currently.
Relating with workfront organization the management has exhaustively adopted the competency notion which has proved beneficial. For instance, the firm conducts annual performance appraisals to reward and distinguish managers who have effectively led in growth of the customer base or inventing new approaches that have been deemed key in increasing confidence in the brand and solve difficult scenarios easing the mode of operations. The workfront organization has created a customer satisfaction department to address the concerns of clients and conduct research to understand current and future concerns s that hinder growth. Application of the competency approach is the driving factor in workfront org, the notions have been leveraged to create a management brand. The brand is based on stressing the need to have managers and hire staff complemented with personal traits of integrity, self-esteem, legitimacy and self-awareness. Still, the firm extends workshop and seminars in training the employees to instill the necessary skills in dealing with leadership. The approach has shaped the success in performance among the staffs approving that the idea of competency theory can be educated, settled, coached and skilled alongside experience.
2. Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization. Are the followers receptive? Would you recommend another strategy? Explain your reasoning. If not, why not?
Power Influences of leaders on staff
The influences and power wielded by leaders plays a vital role in depicting the relationship developed between the leaders and workers. If effectively addressed through a well laid guideline involving consultation in decision making and channeled communication effectively, the influences is often leads to positive impact. In contrast leaders who force and instill fear in executing their orders often creates a harsh environment with poor communication. Depicting from the workfront org, a top-down model of channeling communication inform of orders, duties designation and new developments to ensure conformity. The concerns addressed then passed by the board of directions to departmental leaders then to the workers.
The institution has availed ways to stimulate best communication based on ability of staff to in executing their mandate and the co-development with the client base. The firm is keen to ensure staff concerns are addressed and solution attained is implemented. Also the firm has adopted an innovation oriented approach combined with transformational leadership in ensuring tactical instructions for innovation and general openness. The process aids in bridging the gap of communication between the decision makers and the followers who feel included in the shifting policies hence assimilate the directions with a positive mindset. The structure hence motivate workers to raise the difficult they incur at work places hence offering an opportunity to serve the clients better as they understand their concerns are addressed.
Depicting from the scenarios above the workfront workers are receptive of the influences advanced by the leaders. The view is that the leaders has offered means and extended models to create a conducive environment for relating with each other. The concept of boundary theory in leadership perpetuates that the relationship between managers and servants ought to be cordial, and inclusive to realize the organization mandate. The conception is characterized by privileged managers implementing innovation geared processes to avail guidance in regard workfront org, technological desired outcomes in co developments schemes. Farther, institutions necessitates provision of members with adequate autonomy and flexibility in achieving projects, expectations and reward exceptional staff. For instance, the Microsoft company owned by Bill Gates extend flexibility in attendance to work where employees can work from home and provided staff with children play centers. Initiating appropriate training of employees come in hands in ensuring flawless relations. Hence relating with the model adopted the workfront org, I would not propose another strategy as the one in place has proved effective.
3. Evaluate the role and effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization. Support your (claims, points?) with examples (from?).
Effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership
Transformation leadership is portrayed as scenario where the management execute their duties in an excellent manner to the extent that they earn the confidence, trust, respect, and devotion of their subjects. Additionally, the concept is based on appreciation of the efforts enforced by leaders to create a conducive and profitable environment for commerce. Hence transform people attitude and behavior in positive outlook.
Contrary, transactional leadership is molded to
What Is Transformational Leadership?
Transformational leadership occurs when leaders perform their roles so effectively that they gain the trust, respect, appreciation and loyalty of the people who follow them. This, in turn, changes (transforms) people’s behaviors. It’s completely different from the transactional style of leadership that is the fall-back position for most business organizations.
With the transactional style of leadership, the leader motivates people to work harder by offering rewards (promotions, bonuses, paid vacation) for good behavior, and punishments (demotions, improvement programs) for poor behavior. The motivation to work hard comes from outside the employee.
With transformational leadership, employees are intrinsically motivated (motivated from within) to follow the leader’s example because they respect the leader so much. The leader creates an inspiring vision of the future that people feel compelled to follow. She also serves as a role model for her team.
History and Development of Transformational Leadership
U.S. leadership expert James McGregor Burns originated the model of transforming leadership in his 1978 book, Leadership. According to Burns, transforming leadership is a process in which “leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morality and motivation.” Burns believed that great leaders create significant change in the lives of people and organizations – transforming them. They do this by articulating an energizing vision and setting challenging goals.
A few years later, the distinguished academic Bernard M. Bass took Burns’s theory one step further. In his 1985 book, Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations, Bass sought to explain how, psychologically, transformational leaders affected the motivation and performance of their followers. Bass was also the first to use the term transformational instead of transforming to describe this kind of leadership style.
Success Factors in Transformational Leadership
Transformational leaders have high expectations for themselves and others. But instead of laying down the law, these leaders “walk the walk” and model the standards of behavior they expect from the team. In this respect, they:
Set clear and consistent goals.
Encourage others.
Lead through influence and charisma.
Are models of integrity and fairness.
Inspire others to rise to challenges.
Encourage people to look beyond their self-interest toward the greater good of the organization.
Another way to describe transformational leadership is through the four components, or behaviors, that differentiate transformational leaders from other types of leaders. Bass described these as:
Individualized consideration, or the degree to which the leader attends to the needs of each follower, keeping communication open and offering empathy and support. The leader respects his followers as individuals and values the contributions that each follower can make to the team.
Intellectual stimulation, or the degree to which the leader encourages creativity in his followers. He does this by challenging assumptions, brainstorming ideas and taking risks. Followers are encouraged to ask questions, think deeply and find a better way to perform tasks.
Inspirational motivation, or the degree to which the leader articulates an inspiring vision that communicates optimism and drives the company group forward. Followers are motivated to work harder because they’re driven by the leader’s vision of the future and believe in their own abilities.
Idealized influence, or the degree to which the leader provides a role model for ethical behavior. Followers do as the leaders asks because he instills pride, gains respect and earns their trust.
Transformational Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages
Why is the transformative leadership style becoming popular – and to some extent, necessary? One of the main benefits of the transformational leadership style is that it treats people as individuals. Transformational leaders regard their followers as equals, each with his own skills and experience, and seek to bring out the best in them through coaching and encouragement instead of barking orders. Employees feel supported, so they work hard and stay.
It isn’t all good news, however. This particular way of leading can elevate the company to new highs, or drop it to new lows, depending how the leader exercises her power. As with any management style, there are pros and cons of transformational leadership you need to consider before deciding if it is right for your organization.
Advantage: United in a Common Cause
Transformational leaders stand out in their ability to quickly analyze a company’s current situation and create a righteous vision for its improvement and growth. Through passion and influence, the leader communicates her vision to employees to get everyone on board. Employees are motivated to do what is asked of them because the whole work experience is perceived as a purposeful and enjoyable adventure.
In terms of bottom-line results, the organization should see productivity gains when a transformational leader comes on board. It’s much easier to optimize performance when everyone is pulling in the same direction, as all people can see the big picture and feel united in a common cause.