Instructions: Teacher candidates must be proficient in designing and implementing a curriculum based on state, national, and professional standards. Through this project, candidates will learn the importance of pacing the curriculum to teach essential grade level content. Candidates will experience how to write block plans for the curriculum. These plans include character education, appropriate learning activities, differentiated instruction, critical thinking skills, technology integration, and assessment. The plans provide opportunities for collaboration and integration across the curriculum.
Part 4: Curriculum Planning Charts
The candidate individually writes block curriculum plans (see sample templates and examples). The plans explain in detail what the teacher and students will do in each lesson. The plans demonstrate effective use of allotted time. The planned activities are creative, engaging, hands-on, and age-appropriate. The plans use the legend symbols to document integration.
Elementary/SPED candidates develop plans for a minimum of 20 days in the following subject areas: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, as well as Fine Arts, Health, PE, and Movement. Secondary candidates develop plans for a minimum of 18 weeks in their specific content area and include integration across the curriculum. The plans show evidence of the following:
• Character Education
• Resources
• Developmental Learning
• Diversity & Accommodations
• Critical Thinking
• Active Learning Experiences
• Technology Experiences
• Assessment
• Collaboration
• Integration & Connections Across the Curriculum
Part 5: Evidence of Curriculum Requirements
The candidate identifies specific evidence to demonstrate how the following elements are incorporated into the Curriculum Project: the mission, character education, diversity and accommodations, critical thinking and problem-solving activities, active learning experiences, technology integration, assessment, collaboration, fine arts/health/PE, and integration between content areas. The candidate uses the completed (elementary/SPED [20 days total] curriculum charts to provide five best examples/evidences for each of the 12 Evidence of Curriculum Requirements charts. The candidate selects the best examples/evidences by comparing all the completed planning charts with the advanced indicators on the Curriculum Project grading rubric. The candidate provides the day of the planning and a detailed description. If the candidate cannot give five best examples for each evidences chart, revision of the Curriculum Project planning charts is needed (see sample templates and examples).
Part 6: Resources
The candidate must demonstrate differentiated student learning with many learning tools and manipulatives (eg. Base 10 Blocks, science lab equipment), and use of diverse professional resources (eg. books, journals, apps, websites, etc.) to plan instruction and learning experiences. The candidate includes 25 or more diverse professional resources (including research-based journal articles) to plan (elementary/SPED [20 days total] differentiated instruction and learning experiences. The candidate includes these resources in current APA format in the reference section at the end of the Curriculum Project (see sample templates and examples).
Instructions: Teacher candidates must be capable of developing and implementing a curriculum that adheres to state, national, and professional standards. Candidates will learn the importance of curriculum pacing in order to teach essential grade level content through this project. Candidates will learn how to create curriculum block plans. Character education, appropriate learning activities, differentiated instruction, critical thinking skills, technology integration, and assessment are all part of these plans. The plans encourage collaboration and integration across the curriculum.
Charts for Curriculum Planning (Part 4)
The candidate creates block curriculum plans on his or her own (see sample templates and examples). The lesson plans detail exactly what the teacher and students will do in each lesson. The plans demonstrate efficient use of time.