Discussion 3 weakest dimensions of health

Think about each dimension of your health. For each dimension, list what you believe to be a strength or positive characteristic (examples are provided). Also, list an aspect of each dimension that you would like to improve.

Physical Dimension : To maintain overall physical health by eating well, engaging in a balanced exercise program, and having appropriate medical check-ups.

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

Emotional Dimension :To have a positive self-concept, deal constructively with your feelings, and develop positive qualities such as optimism,trust, and determination.

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

Social Dimension :To develop and maintain meaningful relationships with a network of friends and family members and to contribute to the community (e.g., friendly, helpful, compassionate, supportive, charitable).

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

Intellectual Dimension : To actively pursue a wide understanding about topics and issues,think critically about important questions, and to identify problems and develop solutions based on sound judgment (e.g., curious, analytical, creative, objective). To actively pursue a broad understanding about a variety of topics and concerns, to think critically about important matters, and to be able to detect problems and develop answers based on sound judgment are all aspects of the intellectual dimension (e.g., curious, analytical, creative, objective).

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

Spiritual Dimension : To develop a set of beliefs, principles, or values that gives meaning or purpose to your life; to develop faith in something beyond yourself (e.g., religious faith, service to others, respect for life).

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

What did you learn about yourself by completing this self-assessment?

What are two things you can start doing this week to improve upon your weakest dimensions of health?

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