health and internet addiction
Discuss two health problems caused by internet addition and suggest two potential solutions


The internet has been a great breakthrough for human society, the internet change the way of work, learn and human interaction. However, with the advancement of technology we tend to spend more and more time online. The line between health and internet addiction is hard to delimitated and inability of individuals to control the use of the internet has led to Internet addition disorder. The negative consequences of Internet addition can be physical health and interpersonal problems.

Problem 1The physical health -Fatigue, insomnia, aches and pain from lack of movement, digestive problems, change in physical appearance-no longer paying attention to grooming or hygiene, unintended weight loss or weight gain.

Problem 2Interpersonal problems. Concerning family problems caused by Internet addiction, family relationships are seriously disrupted by Internet addicts due to the decrease in time spending with family, reluctance of performing family duties such as doing household chores, and increase of conflicts with family in the negotiation for time spent on the Internet. Problems caused by Internet addiction include decline in study habits, significant drop in grades, missing classes, increased risk of being placed on academic probation, and poor integration in extracurricular activities. Often suffer from severe psychological distress, such as depression; anxiety; compulsivity; feeling of self-effacement; fear that life without Internet would be boring, empty, and joyless; as well as feeling of loneliness and social isolation.

Solution1: See a therapist, support group, find a new hobby, socialise with friends, spend more time outside in park, try different leisure sport.

Solution2: Reaching out to old friends, encourage face -to-face interaction, consider joining a club organisation, get a pet, getting the right support from GP or therapist.


The first instinct of many people who are worried about internet addiction is to completely remove the internet from their lives but it is wrong because the digital environment is a fast and efficient tool. The first step to use the internet in a healthy way is limiting the time spend in the front of screen.


Internet addiction and health
Discuss two health issues induced by internet addiction, as well as two possible treatments.


The internet has been a huge step forward for human society; it has changed the way people work, learn, and interact. However, as technology advances, we are spending more and more time online. The boundary between health and online addiction is blurry, and people’s inability to regulate their internet use has resulted in Internet addiction disorder. Physical health issues and interpersonal issues are possible side effects of Internet addiction.

Problem 1: Physical health – fatigue, insomnia, aches and pains from lack of movement, digestive issues, change in physical appearance – no longer paying care to grooming or hygiene, unintentional weight loss or gain

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