Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span Week 5
Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span Week 5

The nurse in this situation can help the family by providing resources that can help care for the mother as well, home health nurse, home health aide, therapy physical and occupational. These are great resources that can help reduce the stress of the role reversal for the daughter who already has a lot going on with her family. Using the family structural theory, the nurse can evaluate the family as a whole and assess the situation, maybe helping with ideas on how to make the transition a littel easier for the whole family. Also, assessing each individual of the family as in the developmental theory. Education can be a great resource when helping care for a family member at home. There are many great inventions that therapy could suggest to help in care. ALso, knowing more about what is happening to the mother and the correct way to care for her in regards to her condition can help the whole family understand what the mother is going through and may make life a little easier given that they have all of the facts.

Edelman, C. L., Kudzma, E. C., & M

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