Helmet Technology
1. Please describe the rating criteria used for current helmet technology. Can these criteria be translated to concussion prevention? Please discuss.
2. What are the benefits of detecting head impact forces? What are the limitations?
3. Describe the evolutionary advantages of having “Dart Throwers Motion” capability? How can this basic science knowledge be used to design wrist implants?
4. What are the goals, advantages, and limitations of designing toys for cerebral palsy therapy?
Extra Credit: Think outside the box and design a novel helmet which may have protection against concussions. Please discuss major design elements and their theoretical implications for concussion prevention.
Technology Questions
Please describe the rating criteria used for current helmet technology. Can these criteria be translated to concussion prevention? Please discuss.
The current helmet technology is conducted by Virginia Tech Helmet Ratings, which uses the rating to identify the helmet that best reduces concussion risk. The Assessments are conducted using a five stars rating, with those with five stars representing best helmets available per sport. The rating criteria used for current helmet technology is attained through a series of impact tests. The tests evaluate two essential concepts that define the rating of the helmet. The first concept involves each analysis is weighted based on the frequency the users experience the impact when using the helmet. The second concept of rating tests the ability of the helmet that lower head acceleration in reducing the risk of concussion (Rowson, 2018). Therefore, the rating criteria consider the extensive series of head impacts that faces athletes by focusing on weightings and impact conditions. The rating criteria cannot be translated to concussion prevention since no helmet is designed as a concussion-proof. An athlete using the best rating helmet can still sustain a head injury since the ratings are only used to identify the helmet that can best reduce the impact of the concussion risk and not preventing it from happening. Concussion prevention can best be achieved through coaching proper techniques and rule changes and supported by the best helmet technology.
What are the benefits of detecting head impact forces? What are the limitations?
Detecting head impact forces is beneficial for athletes, their teams, and families. Some of the benefits include giving the medical professional the ability to make medical decisions that can reduce the expected impact of head injury. Parents and coaches benefit from detecting head impact forces as it reduces the reliance on athletes reporting the symptoms of concussion by themselves. Some athlete’s honesty might be less-than-perfect, which can be corrected by the detection mechanisms. Detection mechanisms will benefit teams as they would have healthy and unimpaired athletes (De Lench, 2020). The limitation of detecting head impact forces include the errors associated with individual impact measurements that might affect the medical interventions. The athlete honesty and the reporting time of the impact force is a major limitation. The impact forces can also be influenced by the change in momentum, acceleration, and impact duration (O’Connor, Rowson, Duma, & Broglio, 2017).
Describe the evolutionary advantages of having “Dart Throwers Motion” capability? How can this basic science knowledge be used to design wrist implants?
The evolutionary advantages associated with dart throwers motion include the ability to conduct a wrist rotation with minimal muscle forces. The DTM also enhances the joint geometry factors, ligament movement, and proprioception factors (Schwartz, 2015). DTM usage in design wrist implant will depend on its ability to guide motion n plane, which the wrist depends on to conduct most daily activities. Dart throwers motion can be used to design the wrist implant in a pattern that allows the implant to conformably conduct specific movement patterns.
What are the goals, advantages, and limitations of designing toys for cerebral palsy therapy?
Cerebral palsy is a group of movement disorders that causes difficulty in the movement of certain body parts during childhood. The goal of conducting cerebral palsy therapy using designed toys is to get the child to develop the flexion to move the body part that is experiencing difficulty in movement. By conducting repeated activities associated with cerebral palsy designed toys, the brain obtains the ability to rewire itself and reassign functions affected by the cerebral palsy to undamaged brain areas (Borzenkova, Rozsahegyi, & Niedderer, 2018). Some of the limitations associated with designing the toys of CP therapy include ensuring the toys reflect the child’s interest, age, and can respond to required movement. Developing the toys is also cost consumption due to technology that accompanies the toys to enhance its functionality and safety for CP therapy.
Borzenkova, A., Rozsahegyi, T., & Niedderer, K. (2018). Designing play equipment for children with cerebral palsy: the context and design guidelines. Design Research Society. doi: 10.21606/dma.2017.491
De Lench, B. (2020). Impact Sensors: Many Benefits of Real-Time Monitoring. momsTeam. Retrieved from https://www.momsteam.com/health-safety/impact-sensors-benefits-real-time-monitoring-are-many?page=0%2C0
Rowson, S. (2018). Translating Research to Reduce Concussion Risk. Virginia Tech. Retrieved from https://helmet.beam.vt.edu/
Schwartz, D. (2015, November 5). Splint in the Spotlight – Dart Thrower’s Motion Orthosis (also known as the Dart Splint). Orfit. Retrieved from https://www.orfit.com/blog/splint-in-the-spotlight-dart-throwers-motion-orthosis-also-known-as-the-dart-splint/
O’Connor, K. L., Rowson, S., Duma, S. M., & Broglio, S. P. (2017). Head-Impact-Measurement Devices: A Systematic Review. Journal of athletic training, 52(3), 206–227. https://doi.org/10.4085/1062-6050.52.2.05